LCD font building utility???

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LCD font building utility???

3,996 次查看
Contributor I
hi all,
recently im trying to develop the graphic LCD for my beginning to learn HCS08 series MCU.
and there is a problem about the FONT..
because there are so many characters and i have to draw it on the grid papers.
wanna know if there were any FONT building utiltiy for (8 pixels * 8 pixels) or else for improving the developing speed...
thank you ....
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403 次查看
Senior Contributor II
Well, I have some old little utility I had written about 15 years ago that may work for you.  Get these two files:
editfont somefile.fon
It will ask the dimension, press 8 for the 8x8 you need.
Read the screen for help on using it or ask me directly.
The font file created with this utility will contain data for all 256 ASCII codes (0-255) in sequence. Once you save the file, and exit, use the second utility to convert it to a S19 file.
binex somefile.fon somefile.s19 $C000
where $C000 is an optional load address for the S19 file, otherwise it will be zero.
Hope this helps.
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403 次查看
Senior Contributor II
Just updated to also create an include file to be used directly by assemblers, for one-step font editing.
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403 次查看
Contributor I

hi tonyp,

thank you for your kindly help.

i'll try it.:smileyhappy:

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