GT60 How to have STOP_2 mode working with IRQ

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GT60 How to have STOP_2 mode working with IRQ

Contributor I
HI, I want to have the STOP2 mode working using the IRQ pin.
Can someone explain me the limitation and what will work and don't work. because currently, i'm having the STOP2 mode enable but it doesn not get out of it using the IQR.
ICG CLock disable in stop2 mode ( Don't have External clock, runnning with Internal clock when active)
LVD disable
unsing IRQ has the reset source for stop 2.
is there anything else I need to know ??? or something  wrong in my setup
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2 返答(返信)

Contributor I
HI, I looked at your code and why are you using the IRQ interrupt vector since a wake up from the IRQ in stop 2 mode will call the reset vector ???
by the way, it doesn't work in my setup, it goes into sleep but IRQ is not waking up the CPU.
I've put a Led toggle in both interrupt routines (reset and IRQ) and even in my main loop, I restore all Input and Toggle the led before going back into stop 2 mode.
Nothing is happening into the led PORT (Check it with an Scope).
My code react fine if i'm enabling the BDM mode... but when disabling BDM mode.. it stays in STOP 2.

Message Edited by m2s on 2007-10-30 10:48 AM
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Contributor II
I wrote a small routine for the 9S08GB60, which is compatible with the 9S08GT60.
I did not include any clock settings, so the clock that's running is the standard internal 240 kHz clock.
What can be difficult is to get the selection of the STOP mode correct.
This is done by the SPMSC2 register.
Hope it helps!
Message Edited by t.dowe on 2009-10-27 02:16 PM
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