FEI Mode start time

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FEI Mode start time

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Senior Contributor I

Hello Ankur Gandhi Arpita Agarwal


I am having a question Regarding the stabilization of  internal Oscillator for MC9S08RN8 MCU.


I using using internal FEI mode and the default Bus frequency is 10Mhz and i am doing the changes in the ICS register to get 20Mhz.I would like to know that should i have to wait for certain amount of  time after changing the ICS  register till the Oscillator is stable (Internal Reference frequency and FLL)  or MCU take care of itself and than it will execute the Rest of the code . please correct me if  i am wrong , it will take maximum 1.3msec  (300µsec for Internal reference clock and 1 msec for FLL)maximum time to generate stabilize clock.



Thank you n Kind Regards,


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1 Solution
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hello Robin,

If you are changing only BDIV, then polling of LOCK is not required as FLL clock will not be changed.

It is only bus frequency divider.

If this post helps you, kindly mark it as correct/helpful answer.


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30 Replies
Senior Contributor I

Hi Arpit,

please see how i configured the  FEI MODE




ICS_C4 =((NV_FTRIM_INIT) & 0x01U)


ICS_C1=0x04;               // Default internal reference clock (39062.5 hz) to FLL(512) and FLL is generating ( 39062.5 X 512 = 20Mhz Khz )

ICS_C2=0x00;               // BDIV = 00, Bus Frequency is 20Mhz / CPU Frequency is also 20Mhz

After this i did port initialization and the rest of the code .

is that correct?

in my case as u mentioned, i am not changing RDIV, IREFS or TRIM any register , the only thing what i am changing is BDIV . But still for safe side i can poll LOCK flag.

please tell me is the above code correct without Polling LOCK Flag?

Thanks n Kind Regards,


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Senior Contributor I

Hallo Arpit

As you said "I need to poll LOCK flag in ICS_S register. It will set when the clock will be stable."

and i am pooling lock bit as follows in main loop

While (ICS_S_LOCK==0);



While (1) {PORT_PTAD==0x02,};

But i am not getting any Output (high) on PORTA pin A1 but as soon as i poll for While (ICS_S_LOCK == 1);

the Output is available on PORTA pin A1.

But the code exit while loop when the condition is false which means it has unlock the FLL.

it's bit confusing for me.

please can you tell me what i am doing wrong?

Thanks and Kind Regards,


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hello Robin,

In first case, when your code is hanged at the while loop, While (ICS_S_LOCK==0); read the ICS_S register value from the debugger window. Is the LOCK status 0 there??

Also, what is the code before this Lock polling lines? I am basically interested in knowing what changes you are doing for the clock.


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Senior Contributor I

Hi arpitaagarwal-b37570,

I found the problem which is as follows , After disassemble the code what i found at BEQ instant of BNE.can you explain me what exactly it does with BEQ n why?

does it has something to do with Code optimization ?

0000E0A8 A604     LDA    #$04

0000E0AA C73038   STA    $3038      ; ICS_C1


0000E0AD 4F       CLRA  

0000E0AE C73039   STA    $3039      ; ICS_C2


0000E0B1 C6303C   LDA    $303C      ; ICS_S

0000E0B4 A540     BIT    #$40            ; wenn Lock = 1 bleiben Sie in der Schleife !, das ist ein BIT Test !

0000E0B6 27F9     BEQ    *-5       ;abs = $E0B1


0000E0B8 A602     LDA    #$02

0000E0BA C730B0   STA    $30B0

0000E0BD 3F00     CLR    $00

0000E0BF 6E0200   MOV    #$02,$00

0000E0C2 20FB     BRA    *-3       ;abs = $E0BF

Thanks N kind Regards,


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Senior Contributor I

Hi arpitaagarwal-b37570,

Would like to hear from you on this topic.Please can you  me some suggestion?

Thanks and Kind Regards,


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Contributor V

Hi Robin,

The assembler code makes sense to me. It loads the ICS_S register into A and carries out a bit test at position 0x40 and crucially the BEQ says if bit position 0x40 is set in ICS_S then check again. If the BEQ was a BNE then the opposite would happen, it would exit the loop.



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Senior Contributor I

Hi Arpit,

is their any issue with compiler code optimization ?

Thanks and Kind Regards,


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Senior Contributor I

Hi Arpit,

Sorry for late reply.

I debugged the code and in debugging mode it works fine i.e. LOCK bit is 1 and the code is leaving the while loop [ While (ICS_S_LOCK==0); ] and further works as expected. But as soon as i flash the same code into MCU it doesn't work.i.e. The PORTA A1 pin does't go HIGH, as soon as i do the changes in while loop like this [While (ICS_S_LOCK==1);] the code works normal which means the PORTA A1 pins go HIGH.

Before the code i am having some variables and Trimming default value code which you send to me you can see the whole code as below.

I am not doing any changes in  clock using all Default values except BDIV=0;

void main(void)








         unsigned   int tmp_uint;                                                      // zum kurzigen merken von intergern, zB FraState */

         unsigned   int tmp_timer;                                                     // Zwischenmerker für Zeitmessungen, bei Mindestlaufzeit und warten auf Dunkelphase */







        if ( NV_ICSTRM_INIT != 0xFFU) {                                              // 0xFF6FU  Test if the device trim value is stored on the specified address

        //  ICS_C3 = *(uint8_t*)0xFF6FU;                                               // Initialise ICS_C3 register from a non volatile memory

        //  ICS_C4 = (uint8_t)((*(uint8_t*)0xFF6EU) & (uint8_t)0x01U);                 // Initialise ICS_C4 register from a non volatile memory


            ICS_C3    =  NV_ICSTRM_INIT ;                                            // This Registers are not Define in Derivative.h file thats why we have to define this Environment Variable before the start of code

            ICS_C4    = ((NV_FTRIM_INIT)  & 0x01U);                                    // Trim the internal clock  :((NV_FTRIM_INIT) & 0x01U);





          ICS_C1 = 0x04;                                                                 // internal reference clock to FLL and FLL is generating 16000-20000 Khz  ; Ref. Freqeuncy  is set at 31250-39250 Hz * 512 = Appx.16-20 Mhz

          ICS_C2 = 0x00;                                                                // BDIV = 00, Freq is now 16-20Mhz   



          while (ICS_S_LOCK==0){;}                                                      // [0] FLL is currently unlocked, [1] FLL is currently locked.




          PORT_PTAOE = 0x02;                                                         // PORTA pinA1 Output enabled

          PORT_PTAD = 0x00;                                                         // Initialise PORTA1 pin

          while (1) {PORT_PTAD = 0x02;}                                             // Set PORTA1 pin in forever loop



Thanks and Kind Regards,


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Senior Contributor I

Hi arpitaagarwal-b37570 @Ankur  kala

Please can you give me some solution or any kind of  suggestion is also useful to find out the real problem.

Thanks and Kind Regards,


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hello Robin,

If you are changing only BDIV, then polling of LOCK is not required as FLL clock will not be changed.

It is only bus frequency divider.

If this post helps you, kindly mark it as correct/helpful answer.


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