Adding own Cluster to a sleeping endpoint (0x1234)

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Adding own Cluster to a sleeping endpoint (0x1234)

Contributor III

Good afternoon all,

   Please coud somebody help me out. When i am adding my own cluster following the ZigBee 3.0: Adding Clusters

tutorial. When i get down to the part where i am adding into the bas_device.h and base_device.c files for some reason its not able to recognise the syntax like it does with the temperature measurement cluster. when i hold my mouse over the tsCLD_StrainMeasurement a window doent appear like it does with the temperature one. See picture below.

base_device.h Temperature.png

I have created an .h based on the temperature .h file  for my strain sensor and placed that in

JN-SW-4170/Components/ZCL/Clusters/MeasurementAndSensing/include and also created an .c file based on the temperature .c file and placed that in JN-SW-4170/Components/ZCL/Clusters/MeasurementAndSensing/source.

I have gone through the adding cluster tutorial a few times and still get the same result

Please can somebody help in me trying to understand what could be causing the problem.



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3 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Mather,

ts not able to recognize the syntax like it does with the temperature measurement cluster.

Did you clean and compiled again the project?

What is the issue that you are seeing in the console log?

Did you send a simple request to that endpoint to be sure that the cluster is active?



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Contributor III

Hi Mario,

      I have cleaned and compiled but it will not build a .bin file.

What i have done is: -

I have and expansion board Jennic DR1048 v1.1 which as a built in Temperature Sensor (Sensirion SHT11). I have managed to disable that and use my sensor (Strain Guage) to run through ther pin that that is attached to and get the reading out on a raspberry pi using a Conbee Zigbee USB dongle. on the Raspberry pi i am using deCONZ program from dresden elektroniks. 

The software shows the raspberry pi as the corridinator and the sesnor as the endpoint. when i select the endpoint i can then select to see the clusters that have been loaded onto the endpoint, which one is the Temperature measurment cluster. when i activate the strain guage this then show the readings when i select read. what i want to do is is re anable the on board temperature sensor on the DR1048 and start using my own cluster. which is why i follwed theZigBee 3.0: Adding Clusters but its not allowing me to do that.

Is there another header or source that tells which clusters to let through the zigbee stack. i have searched all over online for anyone else that as done this but to no avail.



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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Matthew,

Please look at the JN-AN-1220 example. ZigBee 3.0 | NXP 

It implements the Cluster "TemperatureMeasurement". You could take as a reference it is implementing the routines for this cluster. Also, it implements sleep end device.



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