CodeWarrior crash: "Source text or disassembly not available.."

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CodeWarrior crash: "Source text or disassembly not available.."

Contributor I

I'm experiencing repeated crashes with the message:


Source text or disassembly not available.


in the 'Source' window.


I'm using a PE Cyclone.  Have tried replacing the Cyclone, re-installing the driver, re-booting the computer, re-building the image.  Nothing helps.


Any ideas?




Chip Burns

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3 Replies

Specialist III



First I need to understand what is going on.


Are you getting real software crash or are you getting a message in the Source or Disassembly window that the debugger does not find the source or disassembly file?


- Which CPU are you targeting (HC08, HC12, Coldfire, ..)

- Which version of CodeWarrior are you using?


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Contributor I

The crash occurs at breakpoints.  If I set a breakpoint and execution halts at that brakpoint in most cases I see the source 'C' code in the editor window but I get an immediate "Sour​ce text or disassembl​y not available" message as soon as I resume execution (F5)..  The address then reads 0x00000000.  I believe the debugger has lost its way.


The problem is intermittent & non-repeatable but recurs regularly at different/unpredictable points in the code.  In some cases a complete re-build temporarily solves the problem but in this case it has not.


It has also happened that the code vectors off to address 0x00000000 without displaying any source 'C' code when the breakpoint is hit, i.e. I see a 1- to 2-second 'flash' of the source code and then the display window spontaneously shows the "Source text... etc." message and the address in the stack window shows 0x00000000.


In addition I have seen what looks like memory (RAM) corruption.  Variables whose values have been set (pointers in particular) sometimes display values of 0xFFFFFFFF or some other spurious value.  In some cases the debugger jumps off to 0x00000000 when I simply try to click on the variable name in the 'autos' window.  I do not believe I have corrupted my own pointers because if I set no breakpoints the code behaves properly and as expected.


I'm running a Coldfire processor but I'm not sure what part number, I believe its running at 75MHz if that helps.  I will get that information in a later post.




Chip Burns

0 Kudos

Contributor I

FYI my version of CodeWarrior appears to be 5.7.0 Build 2015.


My processor is an MCF5232

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