S32K148 SysTick_Handler

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S32K148 SysTick_Handler

Contributor III

//函数名称 : u8 BSPSysTickInit(u32 time, u8 busClock)
//输入参数 : time:配置时间[1,200000](0.001ms即1us) busClock:总线时钟≥1(M)
//输出参数 : 初始化结果 TRUE:成功 FALSE:失败
//函数功能 : 系统闹钟定时中断驱动模块初始化
//注意事项 : BSP调用,系统us级定时
u8 BSPSysTickInit(u32 time, u8 busClock)
      //u32 clkTime = 0;

      if((0 == time) || (time > 200000) || (0 == busClock))

      S32_SysTick->RVR = 0xFFFFFF;//350ms
      //S32_SysTick->RVR = 0xBB3F;//1ms
      S32_SysTick->CVR = S32_SysTick_CVR_CURRENT(0);
      S32_SysTick->CVR = 0;
      S32_SysTick->CSR = S32_SysTick_CSR_TICKINT(1) | S32_SysTick_CSR_ENABLE(1);


//函数名称 :void SysTick_Handler(void)
//输入参数 : void
//输出参数 : void
//函数功能 : 系统闹钟定时中断程序
//注意事项 : 底层调用,用于系统1ms定时
void SysTick_Handler(void)




//函数名称 : void BSP_ENTER_CRITICAL(void)
//输入参数 : void
//输出参数 : void
//函数功能 : 进入临界区域(禁止中断)
//注意事项 :

//函数名称 : void BSP_EXIT_CRITICAL(void)
//输入参数 : void
//输出参数 : void
//函数功能 : 切换出临界区域(使能中断)
//注意事项 :

//函数名称 : void BSPCosRefur(void)
//输入参数 : void
//输出参数 : void
//函数功能 : 中断执行函数,设定COS任务标志
//注意事项 : 1ms定时中断调用
void BSPCosRefur(void)
      u8 i = 0;
      t_COS *pcos;

      pcos = &sCosTbl[0];

      if(sCOSTimer >= COS_MAX_USEABLE_TIME)
            for(i = 0; i < COS_MAX_NUM; i++)
                  if(pcos->CosCtr != 0x0ffffffff)
                        pcos->CosCtr -= COS_MAX_USEABLE_TIME;

         sCOSTimer -= COS_MAX_USEABLE_TIME;

      pcos = &sCosTbl[0];
      for(i = 0; i < COS_MAX_NUM; i++)
            if(pcos->CosEn == 1)
                  if(pcos->CosCtr <= sCOSTimer)
                        pcos->CosRdy = 1;

u32 watchcounter = 0;
//函数名称 : int main(void)
//输入参数 : void
//输出参数 : void
//函数功能 : 主函数,自动执行
//注意事项 :
int main(void)
      BSPSystemInit(); //初始化

            BSPCosTask((void *)0); //执行COS任务

hello !

I have a question now.

When I use the system timer to interrupt, the interrupt works, the main function works, and the "watchcounter" variable counts normally.

But when I switch to my g task, the interrupt gets stuck and my "BSPCosTask((void *)0)" task doesn't work properly. Why?Is my Systick_Handler configuration abnormal?

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


Sorry for the late response. Could you please clarify where does your interrupt gets stuck? I took a look at your Systick_Handler, and it's not the best implementation. It's recommended to keep the interrupt handlers as short as possible, and in your case, you have a for loop.

I think you are trying to make a 1ms delay, is this correct? If this is the case, I would recommend you to use the function OSIF_TimeDelay, this function generates any delay in miliseconds. You can find it within the SDK in the files osif_baremetal.c and osif_baremetal.h. If you import the lin_master example provided in the SDK, you will find these files on the following path: lin_master_s32k148 > SDK > rtos > osif.


Best regards,


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