Unable to load core-minimal-images to custom board using MfgTools

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Unable to load core-minimal-images to custom board using MfgTools

Contributor III

Hai all,

we designed a custom board based on iMX6SLEVK.

In this custom board we can able to flash Android4.4.2 (kernel version : 3.0.53) and ltib(kernel version : 3.0.53) images to sdcard successfully and the board boots without any issues.

But when we want to flash core-minimal-images of yocto (kernel version: 3.10.17) images to the sdcard ,at the uboot itself it is getting stop .on the console we are getting this messages :

U-Boot 2013.04 (Apr 05 2014 - 09:15:24)

CPU:   Freescale i.MX6SL rev1.2 at 396 MHz
CPU:   Temperature 37 C, calibration data: 0x57e50469
Reset cause: POR
I2C:   ready

please guide us how to flash yocto images to our custom board.

Thanks & regards


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3 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Jansi Rani,

Are you still having problems loading the images with the manufacturing tool?

I would recommend reviewing which Manufacturing Tool version you are using. There are several revisions but the jump from Kernel 3.0.53 to 3.10.17 was particularly important since the hardware description was no longer included as part of the kernel and is now being implemented using the Device Tree so uboot changed significantly.

Please try with a newer manufacturing tool revision that does loads both the kernel and the device tree and let us know of your findings.


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Contributor III

Hi gusarambula,

     we used imx-3.10.17-1.0.0-ga-mfg-tools to flash yocto images to iMX6SLEVK and to our custom board also.

Now presently for time being we are flashing an sdcard image as per the Freescale_Yocto_Project_User's_Guide.pdf in section 6.1

i.e $ sudo dd if=<image name>.sdcard of=/dev/sd<partition> bs=1M && sync

After flashing if we use the sdcard in iMX6SLEVK ,it will boot but the same in our custom board will stop at "starting kernel....."

 please guide where we missed?

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Jansi Rani,

There may be a number or variables but if the image is working fine on the i.MX6SLEVK and it’s halting on your custom board I would recommend reviewing the Device Tree. It is possible that there is a hardware definition on the device tree that won’t fit your custom board. The good thing about the device tree is that you can have both on the same image and just change the device tree to be loaded by uboot.

There is some more information on how to edit a device tree on the following document:


I hope this helps!


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