xgate software error debugging - norrowed down

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xgate software error debugging - norrowed down

Contributor II


I was able to get an info about xgate error debugging from AN3555 (although this is for xgatev2). The process of determining the fault is quite vast. If this were to be norrowed down to just the violation of memory protection (MPU), what are the only error conditions am I to choose from?

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2 Replies

Contributor III
Hi Xbot,
I had xgate software issues on the xep a couple of weeks ago.
I found my problem to be MPU Descriptor set incorrectly, an xgate memory read was causing the exception.
What's on the xgate registers when the exception occurs?
Are you able to step through the xgate code to the line that causes the problem?
You have probably done this already ..
Check that you are not accessing unaligned data.
Check that you have set the Stack Pointers for Int priorities XGISP31 and XGISP74.
Double check that the xvector table is correct.
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Contributor II
i am still in the process of designing... havent had an error yet. but if i would have... i want a code to run and check the cause of error. the process of identifying the error is quite vast so i was wondering if it can be norrowed down to just the error caused by MPU descriptors.
anyways, is it ok to have a look at how you configured your MPU descriptors?
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