Вебинар по продукции TechNexion "Процессорные платы на базе iMX6 (ARM)"
OK, maybe not everyone of you speak Russian. For example I don't speak.
But I know there is a big Russian community out there, developing great stuff just like the rest of us by using ARM Processors.
This Friday Ilya from IPC2U will hold a Webinar to give a Technical overview about the capabilities ARM processors have and how you can use them in today's world.
I had a chat with Ilya and he told me he is planing to give a overview why ARM now is more suitable to be used in many different industrial areas due to increased capabilities and the increased usability of Linux. I had the luck that Ilya gave me an overview about what he will present, so even my Russian is limited (limited as in 'non existing') I still get some useful updates, even for me.
The Link to register is here: http://ipc2u.ru/news/webinars/processornye-moduli-na-imx6-arm/
It's at 11:30 Moscow time (I guess, please check link above) and the Agenda is like this:
Темы вебинара:
Talking with Ilya he told me this Agenda is roughly and he will cover like this:
-ARM overview
-ARM for industrial usage
-NXP and it’s ARM i.MX6 Processors
-TechNexion Product overview
-TechNexion PICO Modules in detail
I don't know if there is a limit in maximum people to attend but 1h ago Ilya told me he is overwhelmed by the sign up rate of people...
..so you better hurry if you speak Russian and want join!
Hey you are attending? Tell me here how it was after it, ok?
Looking forward to hear from you
P.S.: I work for TechNexion. Thats the Company IPC2U is talking about in this Webinar, just to be clear about that.
Me: florian12