Suggestions for fsl_flexspi.c, fsl_flexspi.h

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Suggestions for fsl_flexspi.c, fsl_flexspi.h

306 次查看
Contributor V


Can I suggest a couple of asserts for flexspi.c please?

RT1021, SDK 2.15.0

1. In fsl_flexspi.c

Assert #1:


status_t FLEXSPI_TransferBlocking(FLEXSPI_Type *base, flexspi_transfer_t *xfer)

    /* Configure data size. */
    if ((xfer->cmdType == kFLEXSPI_Read) || (xfer->cmdType == kFLEXSPI_Write) || (xfer->cmdType == kFLEXSPI_Config))
        configValue = FLEXSPI_IPCR1_IDATSZ(xfer->dataSize);
        // Catch when dataSize is > max possible.
        assert(((configValue & (FLEXSPI_IPCR1_IDATSZ_MASK)) >> (FLEXSPI_IPCR1_IDATSZ_SHIFT)) == xfer->dataSize);



Assert #2:


status_t FLEXSPI_TransferNonBlocking(FLEXSPI_Type *base, flexspi_handle_t *handle, flexspi_transfer_t *xfer)

        /* Configure data size. */
        if ((xfer->cmdType == kFLEXSPI_Read) || (xfer->cmdType == kFLEXSPI_Write))
            configValue = FLEXSPI_IPCR1_IDATSZ(xfer->dataSize);
            // Catch when dataSize is > max possible.
            assert(((configValue & (FLEXSPI_IPCR1_IDATSZ_MASK)) >> (FLEXSPI_IPCR1_IDATSZ_SHIFT)) == xfer->dataSize);



2. In fsl_flexspi.h


/*! @brief Transfer structure for FLEXSPI. */
typedef struct _flexspi_transfer
    uint32_t deviceAddress;         /*!< Operation device address. */
    flexspi_port_t port;            /*!< Operation port. */
    flexspi_command_type_t cmdType; /*!< Execution command type. */
    uint8_t seqIndex;               /*!< Sequence ID for command. */
    uint8_t SeqNumber;              /*!< Sequence number for command. */
    uint8_t *data;                 /*!< Data buffer. */
    size_t dataSize;                /*!< Data size in bytes. */
} flexspi_transfer_t;


Make the data field uint8_t* instead of uint32_t*. Because it is cast to uint8_t* when it is used. I think this is a hangover from when _flexspi_handle's data field was uint32_t* (and associated code in the .c file), but is now uint8_t*.

Kind regards.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @rshipman,

Thanks for the suggestions.

I will pass them on to the SDK team so they can take a look into this and deliberate on the implementation of these changes.


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