Need for encrypted code in internal QSPI?

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Need for encrypted code in internal QSPI?

Specialist V

Hi All

I would like to know whether anyone knows of potential security problems when running unencrypted code from XiP internal QSPI in i.MX RT 1024 or i.MX RT 1064?

- when on-the-fly encryption is used in XiP QSPI flash there is a performance hit over un-encrypted operation (I have "heard" of 1/3 but not found a specification for the actual overhead)
- assuming there is no way to access the content of the internal QSPI flash (JTAG/SWD and ISP disabled), or monitor any of the internal signals, it is presumably safe to store code in unencrypted form and thus not have any performance reduction.

If this can be confirmed it can give an incentive to using these parts with integrated memory over parts needing external QSPI, in addition to saving space and inventory overhead.




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