MCUXpresso Secure Provisioning Tool - Mass Erase by UART

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MCUXpresso Secure Provisioning Tool - Mass Erase by UART

2,744 次查看
Senior Contributor I

Hi Dear Authorized,


I have some cards which is lost debug connection. I am not able to connect my cards. These are specifically designed cards which uses RT1024 and RT1064. I am trying to recover them by MCUXpresso Secure Provisioning Tool. I want to use it by using UART.

Firstly, I tried this recovery operation with EVK a setup below. I am able to debug my card with this setup. I mean USB connections work but MCUXpressoSPT is not detecting my EVK. I don't know the official way of using UART SPT Mass Erase.


Could you direct me to the official way to do this?


My Setup and Details:

  • FTDI Module
  • PmodRS485
  • Type-C USB Convertion HUB for Mac.
  • MCUXpresso IDE v11.8.0
  • MCUXpresso Secure Provisioning Tool v7






Thanks and Regards.

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1 解答
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Senior Contributor I

I find extra informations below:





You can use above configurations with simple RS485-Serial connection.


RT1024 supports UART1-UART2 according to technical data.

RT1064 supports only UART1 according to technical data.


I am able to connect just over UART1 for both RT1024 and RT1064.



Thanks and Regards.


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @Lukas_Frank ,

You must switch the MCU to serial download mode first.




2,517 次查看
Senior Contributor I

Hi Dear @jingpan ,


Yes, I did it. It is in the ISP Mode. But still is not connecting. Do you know why? I tried it in different PC and used two different EVK. My boards are working with IDE correctly in Serial Downloader mode. What is the myth of MCUXpresso Secure Provisioning Tool?





Best Wishes.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @Lukas_Frank ,

Have you modified eFuse?




2,508 次查看
Senior Contributor I

I didn't find required directives for eFuse configuration in MCUXSPTUG document. Is it a precondition? Is there physical pin to configure it like SW7?







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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @Lukas_Frank ,

If you didn't change eFuse, ROM boot can run normally. I guess there is hardware problem. Please check if RT1024 is power up correctly.




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Senior Contributor I

I test it with different boards. I have two EVK.


Can I accept as there is no hardware related issue if I debug it correctly in both Serial Downloader and Internal Boot modes? Because I am able to use my EVK for the development purpose in normal.



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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @Lukas_Frank ,

I'm confused by the situation. Your cards which use RT1024/RT1064 is bricked by the wrong software, isn't it? You want to use SPT to erase the flash. And you tested in serial download mode and found that EVK can recover but card can't?




2,488 次查看
Senior Contributor I

Hi Dear @jingpan ,


Yes, I lost my connection with 6 cards (2 uses RT1024 and 4 uses RT1064). I want to recover it by using UART connecting by SPT Mass Erase. I have too many cards too. I want to be sure that kind of status can be handled for NXP Processors.


Not exactly, I am trying to apply recovery procedure firstly in EVK to be sure. If I successfully apply official procedure in EVK then I will apply it into my cards. I am not yet go into trying for my cards. I am still trying it with my EVK but I can't apply SPT Mass Erase even for the EVK.

  • I tried USB connection and it fails.
  • I tried UART connection and it fails.
    • I open J44 jumper as directed in MCUXSPTUG file for MacOS.



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2,445 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @Lukas_Frank ,

Please take a photo of the board when you try to connect and erase.




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2,438 次查看
Senior Contributor I

Hi @jingpan ,


Here are the photos for USB and UART scenarious:


USB Connection:



UART Connection which uses FTDI Module:




Best wishes.

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2,434 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @Lukas_Frank ,

No, you're wrong. The first picture is UART scenario. 

The USB scenario is connect to J9. If you don't connect to J41, you should connect 2-3 of J1.




2,431 次查看
Senior Contributor I

I tried to connect with UART by using J9 and J41 (to power up device) while the J1 is set to 5-6 like below it is successful now. How it is possible?



I strictly need it do with via UART by FTDI. Could you please help me for the UART? Because there is no J9 and J41 pinouts for my specifically designed card. Therefore, I need to use UART1. Could you please guide me in official direction?


Could you please help me how to do?

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2,423 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @Lukas_Frank ,

1. disconnect J45 & J46.

2. Connect FTDI after RT1064 EVK has power up! This is because if you connect FTDI first, current will drain into RT1064 IO and finally to the DCDC_PSWITCH pin. It will prevent RT1064 DCDC power up. And it's same to RT1024.




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2,419 次查看
Senior Contributor I

Dear @jingpan ,

  • I disconnected J45 & J46
  • Connected J41 with USB Cable
  • Set the "SW-7 : 0-0-0-1" for Serial Downloader Mode
  • Set the "J1 : 5-6" for Power Up
  • Connect USB Cable to PC
  • Connect FTDI Cable to PC
  • Tried to connect COM Ports and I failed once again






Could you please help me what is the missing step ?


Best wishes.


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2,378 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @Lukas_Frank ,

Besides J45 and J46, GPIO_AD_B0_12/GPIO_AD_B0_13 doesn't connect to other connector on the board. So I can't understand what you are doing.






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2,365 次查看
Senior Contributor I

Dear @jingpan ,


I am just trying to achieve SPT Mass Erase on the EVK with UART Method. Then I will try it on my cards. But, when I try it below setup and steps, MCUXpresso Secure Provisioning Tool can't detect the board. I connect RX and TX pins of PmodRS485 to J45 and J46. Then you said that I should disconnect them. I just do it. But now I think you mean that I should connect RX and TX of PmodRS485 must be connected to J45 and J46. 


I think there is no post or subject in NXP Community for this action. Could please help me about the missing step? If I wrong please guide me. It can be guide others too. Thank you so much.


Here are my steps:

  • I connect my PmodRS485 RX and TX to UART J45 & J46. (As seen in Figure 1)
  • Set the "SW-7 : 0-0-0-1" for Serial Downloader Mode
    • Option 1 Applied for Power Up EVK
    • Connected J41 with USB Cable
    • Set the "J1 : 5-6" for Power Up
    • Option 2 Applied for Power Up EVK
    • Connected J9 with USB Power Cable
    • Set the "J1 : 3-4" for Power Up
  • Connect FTDI Cable to PC
  • My board setup can be seen in Figure 2 and Figure 3.
  • Tried to connect COM Ports and I failed once again


Figure 1:


Figure 2: (Option 1)



Figure 3: (Option 2)



Thanks and Regards.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @Lukas_Frank ,

It looks better now. Can you try to exchange the connection, connect TX->RX and RX->TX?

There is too many connector and line between FTDI and EVK. Please make sure the connection is fine.




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Senior Contributor I

Hi Dear @jingpan ,


I tried exchanging pins as you defined but it still is not able to connect.


I actually also test my PModRS485 Connection for UART transfer on board. UART Transmit and Receive operations tested and seen data flow in oscilloscope.


What can be further to try? Did you ever test UART Connection with your EVK?


Thanks and Regards. 

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2,283 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @Lukas_Frank ,

When you connect USB port J41, it can simulate a virtual COM. This is the on board serial port for ROM boot. Can SPT connect RT1064 via this port?



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2,280 次查看
Senior Contributor I

Unfortunately, it is not connecting when J41 is used. The reason for trying USB Connection above of this post was to be sure about connecting via USB. The SPT is not able to connect EVK even using USB. I tried two different boards and MCUXpresso SPT v6 and v7 separately.

By the way, I am able to debug my EVK board via J41 with LinkServer debug.

Thanks and Regards.

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