Arguments of encryption tool used in SW12604

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Arguments of encryption tool used in SW12604

Contributor III


I want to understand the arguments of encryption tool attached in SW12604, and I did test like this:

Pick up 16 bytes in iled_blinky_rt1020.bin

00 00 01 20 0D 26 01 60 33 10 01 60 0F 1A 01 60


The corresponding encryption in iled_blinky_rt1020_encrypt.bin is:

3D 9D 05 8C 92 2C FEA7 95 72 F9 3E 14 4B 1B E9


Pick the region key from image_generate_rt1020.cmd

image_generate.exe ifile=iled_blinky_rt1020.bin ofile=iled_blinky_rt1020_encrypt.bin base_addr=0x60010000 region_key=00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff region_arg=1,[0x60010000,0xF000,0]

region_key:  00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff

Verify the encryption via an online tool:

The AES-128 mode is CTR,

KEY is: 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff

IV: 0000000000000000000000000000000

 And the encrypted code is:

fd e4 fa 8e 47 2f e1 40 dc e7 23 f6 90 99 82 4b

this is different with:

3D 9D 05 8C 92 2C FEA7 95 72 F9 3E 14 4B 1B E9

in iled_blinky_rt1020_encrypt.bin.


 My question is:

The arguments of tool image_generate.exe in AN12604 like below:


  1. Is region_key used for encoding?
  2. In the example, I cannot find the kib_key and kib_iv is set, is there any default value for these?
  3. In the example, I cannot find the region_iv, is there any default value for this?



Any suggestion is appreciated.


Best Regards,


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1 Reply

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @martinzhang ,

region_key is 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff and it should be fuse into SW_GP2. kib_key and kib_iv is generated randomly by default (same as use_zero_key=0). You needn't know them because they have been protected by region_key.

The kib_key and kib_iv is used to encrypt plain text, not region_key.




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