MCUXpresso / mimxrt1064 SRAM_OC not used, or causing program failure upon startup

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MCUXpresso / mimxrt1064 SRAM_OC not used, or causing program failure upon startup

Contributor IV


I need to add a rather large RAM buffer to my application (about 600KB), but it should still fit easily into SRAM_OC. Unfortunately, however, it's not being utilized at all by the linker for an unknown reason, which yields a linker error:


I am used to linkers trying to resolve allocation issues automatically, but this is not the case here.

Do I need to force my buffer into SRAM_OC using a compiler directive? Why does this not happen automatically?

After changing the order of the SRAM regions, placing SRAM_OC on top, I get this:

PROGRAM_FLASH: 61336 B 4 MB 1.46%
SRAM_OC: 661312 B 768 KB 84.09%
SRAM_DTC: 0 GB 128 KB 0.00%
SRAM_ITC: 0 GB 128 KB 0.00%

If I want to explicitly place something in DTC, I must assume this has to be done with a compiler directive...?

Thanks in advance.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Tamir Michael

Please check the following links:

Placing specific functions into RAM blocks 

Also, in the project properties, you can find the memory that is used for heap, stack, and bss, you can distribute them as you need it.

Hope this information helps.

Best regards

Jorge Alcala

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