Fast A/D conversions on multiple channels

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Fast A/D conversions on multiple channels

535 次查看
Contributor II

About a week ago I posted a question about getting fast A/D conversions on multiple channels from a  MIMXRT1176 board.  After a week of trial and error efforts, I have made little progress.  When looking at my original post, I see that many, many people have viewed my post, indicating lots of interest, and indicating lots of people probably have similar problems. 

Here is my request... In the SDK there is a

program " lpadc_high_sample_rate_sample_signal", that works really well for a single channel.  Is it possible for one of you highly qualified nxp software engineers to take that code and modify slightly it so that multiple channels can be read, and post that code here?  I suspect that hundreds of nxp users would really appreciate that.

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516 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


As you already know, we only provide example projects that use one channel. However, I will pass your feedback to the corresponding team so that they can evaluate adding this example in future releases of the SDK. 


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