Encryption/decryption process on i.MX RT1052

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Encryption/decryption process on i.MX RT1052

Contributor I


I developed a firmware for the i.MX RT1052 and i enable boot from QSPI flash, i used MCUXpresso as development environment. It is working properly as i wished. Now i would it works in secure way. I report you the following questions:

- How can i encrypt the .axf file and program it on the external flash? Which tools and configuration i need? Is there a procedure?

- What about the decryption process? It starts before loading the firmware on the RAM? I need to change my source code?In which way?




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1 Reply

Specialist V


See the following for a "push-button" encryption solution for the i.MX RT 1052 (the documents and videos also give insight if you prefer to develop your own solution):


- i.MX RT 1052: https://www.utasker.com/iMX/RT1050.html / https://www.utasker.com/iMX/iMX_RT1052_OEM.html
- Boot loader concept including XiP on-the-fly decryption, clone protection or AES256 protected RAM execution.
-- Boot Loader concept flow chart: https://www.utasker.com/docs/iMX/Loader.pdf and usage reference https://www.utasker.com/docs/iMX/uTaskerLoader_TestDrive.pdf
-- Serial Loader features: https://www.utasker.com/docs/uTasker/uTaskerSerialLoader.pdf
-- Building the loader with MCUXpresso: https://www.utasker.com/docs/iMX/MCUXpresso.pdf (and video guide https://youtu.be/p_eUGo6GypY ) - the guide document explains how to use with any application (eg. SDK) and to enabling its operation with On-The-Fly decryption in 5 minutes
-- Building the loader with IAR: https://www.utasker.com/docs/iMX/IAR.pdf (and video guide https://youtu.be/XPCwVndP99s )
-- Building the loader with VisualStudio and GCC: https://www.utasker.com/docs/iMX/GCC.pdf (and video guide https://youtu.be/0UzLLSXABK8 )
Video Guide to encrypting NXP SDK examples to run from XiP memory using on-the-fly decryption and uploading with the µTasker loader: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iT7KP691ls&list=PLWKlVb_MqDQEOCnsNOJO8gd3jDCwiyKKe&index=10
Video Guide to encrypting NXP SDK examples to run at optimal speed in internal RAM and uploading with the µTasker loader:
Video Guide for Embedded Artist OEM Module for i.MX RT 1062 showing precise secured application operation analysis: https://youtu.be/o7hQbOqhJoc



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