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Contributor I
Hey 31 community!!
I bought an IMX31LITE that cost me only $675 (cheap compared with the ADS) but I didnt read the small letters :smileysad:, if I want the windows CE BSP I have to pay ~700 for support and they dont have linux bsp :smileysurprised:.
I would like to know if the BSP Source Code or just the binaries are included when you buy the IMX31ADS.
Another question:
Would be RealView ICE really necessary? what do you think?
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Contributor II
The BSP that comes with the i.MX31 ADS board does include the source code and the rights to use it. Here is part of the licence agreement :
“The Board Support Package consists of the following source code components which are based on Microsoft’s Windows CE Platform Builder code (1)  OEM abstraction layer, (2) boot loader, (3) device drivers and (4) documentation (“Underlying Software”) as well as enhancements made by Freescale, in source code format, to the Underlying Software in order to support certain Freescale microprocessors (“Freescale Modifications”).”

“Freescale grants to you, free of charge, the non-exclusive, non-transferable right, exclusively for activities which support products which incorporate Freescale microprocessors (1) to use the Freescale Modifications internally and (2) to reproduce the Freescale Modifications (3) to prepare derivative works of the Freescale Modifications, (4) to distribute and sublicense to others the right to use the object code version of the Freescale Modifications and derivative works thereof, solely in conjunction with devices that contain Freescale microprocessors.”

As for the RealView ICE unit, it is not really necessary if you just need to load the bootloader. You can get the job done by downloading the "MCIMX31ADSE_HABTOOLKIT V1_2" and following the included instructions.
You can download this tool using the following link :
I hope this helps !
Marc L.
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1,760 次查看
Contributor I
Hello! I am also victim of same (iMXLITEKIT 31)... could you run linux image on iMX31 LITEKIT? Please share if yes ... i could find out someone who has patch which helps in running Linux BSP on the iMX31LITEKIT as well..
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