i.MX93 can't config ptpTimescale parameter of ptp4l/PMC

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i.MX93 can't config ptpTimescale parameter of ptp4l/PMC

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Contributor III

I am trying time synchronisation by using ptp4l on my i.mx93 EVK. The i.mx93 "eth1" ether is connected to my laptop's network port. Also, they can "ping" the IPs of each other successfully. After setting up the ptp4l and PMC, I used Wireshark to capture the message sent by the i.MX93. 

I found the ptpTimescale parameter was false (0). However, I have previously set the ptpTimescale parameter to 1 in PMC. 

I am not sure if it is a hardware problem or a software problem. Can you advise how to set the ptpTimescale parameter to 1 if that is not a hardware problem? Thank you in advance.


What I have done to set up the ptp4l and PMC previously:

1.  ptp4l -m -i eth1 -f automotive-master_domain0.cfg --step_threshold=1 &

PS: The content of "automotive-master_domain0.cfg" file is:


# Options carried over from gPTP.
gmCapable               1
priority1               248
priority2               248
logSyncInterval         -3
syncReceiptTimeout      3
neighborPropDelayThresh 800
min_neighbor_prop_delay -20000000
assume_two_step         1
path_trace_enabled      1
follow_up_info          1
transportSpecific       0x1
ptp_dst_mac             01:80:C2:00:00:0E
network_transport       L2
delay_mechanism         P2P
domainNumber            0

# Automotive Profile specific options
BMCA                    noop
masterOnly              1




pmc -u -b 0 -t 1 "SET GRANDMASTER_SETTINGS_NP clockClass 248 \

clockAccuracy 0xfe offsetScaledLogVariance 0xffff \

currentUtcOffset 37 leap61 0 leap59 0 currentUtcOffsetValid 1 \

ptpTimescale 1 timeTraceable 1 frequencyTraceable 0 \

timeSource 0xa0"


Strangely, it outputs ptpTimescale 1 after I use command:


However, the ptpTimescale parameter of the message Wireshark captured was "false".

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