i.MX8qxp "Failed to start Weston" problem

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i.MX8qxp "Failed to start Weston" problem

Contributor III



I would like to play a video by using GStreamer on a screen. Previously, this worked with the 'multimedia' image downloaded from NXP. Now, I would like to play the video using the "imx-image-full" image.

I have built an "imx-image-full" image by using the i.MX Yocto Project for i.MX8qxp b0 mek. (DISTRO=fsl-imx-wayland. libavtp was added to GStreamer. It was compiled successfully. It shouldn't course any problem.) I download the image to the board. The Linux system runs.

However, no 'desktop' shows on the connected screen. (IMX-LVDS-HDMI was used to connect the board and a screen. The screen also shows 'no signal' message) The terminal reports errors and failure about 'weston' when I try to play a video by using GStreamer. The error mesaage is listed below. Can you please let me know why the problem happend and how to fix the problem?

Error/Failure messages:

‘Failed’ message when the system starts:

[  OK  ] Started Session c1 of User root.
[   11.946242] audit: type=1006 audit(1651172134.992:3): pid=467 uid=0 old-auid=4294967295 auid=0 tty=tty7 old-ses=4294967295 ses=2 res=1
[   11.958449] audit: type=1300 audit(1651172134.992:3): arch=c00000b7 syscall=64 success=yes exit=1 a0=8 a1=ffffe0ea5800 a2=1 a3=ffffb83e5020 items=0 ppid=1 pid=467 auid=0 uid=0 gid=0 euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=0 sgid=0 fsgid=0 tty=tty7 ses=2 comm="(weston)" exe="/lib/systemd/systemd" key=(null)
[   11.984556] audit: type=1327 audit(1651172134.992:3): proctitle="(weston)"
[FAILED] Failed to start Weston, a …mpositor, as a system service.
See 'systemctl status weston.service' for details.
[  OK  ] Reached target Graphical Interface.
         Starting Record Runlevel Change in UTMP...
[  OK  ] Finished Record Runlevel Change in UTMP.
[  OK  ] Finished Save/Restore Sound Card State.
[  OK  ] Reached target Sound Card.


Message when use 'weston' command:

root@imx8qxp-b0-mek:~# weston
Date: 2022-04-28 UTC
[18:56:19.809] weston 10.0.1
               Bug reports to: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/wayland/weston/issues/
               Build: lf-5.15.71-2.2.0
[18:56:19.809] Command line: weston
[18:56:19.809] OS: Linux, 5.15.71+g95448dd0dc9b, #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Feb 8 03:38:28 UTC 2023, aarch64
[18:56:19.809] Flight recorder: enabled
[18:56:19.810] Using config file '/etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini'
[18:56:19.810] Output repaint window is 16 ms maximum.
[18:56:19.810] Loading module '/usr/lib/libweston-10/drm-backend.so'
[18:56:19.818] initializing drm backend
[18:56:19.818] Trying logind launcher...
[18:56:19.819] logind: failed to get session seat
[18:56:19.819] logind: cannot setup systemd-logind helper error: (No data available), using legacy fallback
[18:56:19.819] Trying weston_launch launcher...
[18:56:19.819] could not get launcher fd from env
[18:56:19.819] Trying direct launcher...
[18:56:19.819] <stdin> not a vt
[18:56:19.820] if running weston from ssh, use --tty to specify a tty
[18:56:19.820] fatal: drm backend should be run using weston-launch binary, or your system should provide the logind D-Bus API.
[18:56:19.820] BUG: layer_list is not empty after shutdown. Calls to weston_layer_fini() are missing somwhere.
[18:56:19.820] fatal: failed to create compositor backend
Internal warning: debug scope 'drm-backend' has not been destroyed.

Systemctl status of weston service:

root@imx8qxp-b0-mek:/data# systemctl status weston.service
x weston.service - Weston, a Wayland compositor, as a system service
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/weston.service; enabled; vendor preset>
     Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2022-04-28 18:55:35 UTC; 5min>
TriggeredBy: * weston.socket
       Docs: man:weston(1)
    Process: 467 ExecStart=/usr/bin/weston --log=${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/weston.log >
   Main PID: 467 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

Apr 28 18:55:33 imx8qxp-b0-mek systemd[1]: Starting Weston, a Wayland composito>
Apr 28 18:55:33 imx8qxp-b0-mek systemd[467]: pam_unix(weston-autologin:session)>
Apr 28 18:55:35 imx8qxp-b0-mek systemd[1]: weston.service: Main process exited,>
Apr 28 18:55:35 imx8qxp-b0-mek systemd[1]: weston.service: Failed with result '>
Apr 28 18:55:35 imx8qxp-b0-mek systemd[1]: Failed to start Weston, a Wayland co>


Message when I try to set 'XDG_RUNTIME_DIR' and then run 'weston':

root@imx8qxp-b0-mek:~# export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/0
root@imx8qxp-b0-mek:~# chmod 0700 /run/user/0
root@imx8qxp-b0-mek:~# weston --tty=7
Date: 2022-04-28 UTC
[18:57:25.241] weston 10.0.1
               Bug reports to: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/wayland/weston/iss    ues/
               Build: lf-5.15.71-2.2.0
[18:57:25.241] Command line: weston --tty=7
[18:57:25.241] OS: Linux, 5.15.71+g95448dd0dc9b, #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Feb 8 03:38:    28 UTC 2023, aarch64
[18:57:25.241] Flight recorder: enabled
[18:57:25.242] Using config file '/etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini'
[18:57:25.242] Output repaint window is 16 ms maximum.
[18:57:25.242] Loading module '/usr/lib/libweston-10/drm-backend.so'
[18:57:25.250] initializing drm backend
[18:57:25.250] Trying logind launcher...
[18:57:25.251] logind: failed to get session seat
[18:57:25.251] logind: cannot setup systemd-logind helper error: (No data availa    ble), using legacy fallback
[18:57:25.251] Trying weston_launch launcher...
[18:57:25.251] could not get launcher fd from env
[18:57:25.251] Trying direct launcher...
[18:57:25.256] no drm device found
[18:57:25.256] BUG: layer_list is not empty after shutdown. Calls to weston_laye    r_fini() are missing somwhere.
[18:57:25.256] fatal: failed to create compositor backend
Internal warning: debug scope 'drm-backend' has not been destroyed.


Thank you and Kind Regards,


0 Kudos
4 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @killedByBugs 

Please share your bsp version.

Best Regards


0 Kudos

Contributor III

Hi Zhiming,


Probably my BSP version is 5.15.71-2.2.0

Previously, I used the following command to build Yocto environment:

repo init -u https://github.com/nxp-imx/imx-manifest -b imx-linux-kirkstone -m imx-5.15.71-2.2.0.xml


Also, run 'uname -a' command (on Linux of the board):

root@imx8qxp-b0-mek:~# uname -a Linux imx8qxp-b0-mek 5.15.71+g95448dd0dc9b #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Feb 8 03:38:28 UTC 2023 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux

I am not 100% sure if 5.15.71-2.2.0 is my BSP version? if it isn't. please let me know how to find the BSP version. thx



0 Kudos

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @killedByBugs 

You can get board support information from this website:


Linux 5.10.72_2.2.3 , Linux 5.10.72_2.2.0, Linux 5.10.52_2.1.0, Linux 5.10.35_2.0.0, Linux 5.10.9_1.0.0, Linux 5.4.70_2.3.0​ and  Linux 5.4.24_2.1.0​​ support QXP B0.


5.15.71-2.2.0 can't support QXP B0.




0 Kudos

Contributor III
Hi Zhiming,

I've found that the IMX-LVDS-HDMI was not connected to the board properly. Then it causes the "Fail to start Weston" error. After fixing the connection, the Linux image seems to work well. Will there be some potential risks if I continue to use the 5.15.71-2.2.0 BSP?
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