create ram drive on imx53qsb

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create ram drive on imx53qsb

Contributor I


I'm working with an imx53qsb and trying to create a ramdrive to hold files instead of writing them to flash. There are no /dev/ram[0-15] on the SD card or in a mounted nfs system. Below are the steps taken. Any help on what I may be doing wrong will be appreciated.

1) create a node for /dev/ram[0-15], change owner, and change mode

mknod /dev/ram1 b 1 1
chown root:disk /dev/ram1
chmod 0660 /dev/ram1

2) make a 8K drive

busybox mkfs.ext2 -q /dev/ram1 8192

mkfs.ext2: can't open '/dev/ram1': No such device or address

3) mount the drive (did not get this far, failed at step 2)

mount /dev/ram1 /ramcache

This is a partial list from /dev/ directory

drwxr-xr-x    6 root     root           120 Jan  1 00:00 disk                   
brw-r-----    1 root     disk        7,   0 Jan  1 00:00 loop0                  
brw-r-----    1 root     disk        7,   1 Jan  1 00:00 loop1                  
brw-r-----    1 root     disk        7,   2 Jan  1 00:00 loop2                  
brw-r-----    1 root     disk        7,   3 Jan  1 00:00 loop3                  
brw-r-----    1 root     disk        7,   4 Jan  1 00:00 loop4                  
brw-r-----    1 root     disk        7,   5 Jan  1 00:00 loop5                  
brw-r-----    1 root     disk        7,   6 Jan  1 00:00 loop6                  
brw-r-----    1 root     disk        7,   7 Jan  1 00:00 loop7                  
brw-r-----    1 root     disk      179,   0 Jan  1 00:00 mmcblk0                
brw-r-----    1 root     disk      179,   1 Jan  1 00:00 mmcblk0p1              
brw-rw----    1 root     disk        1,   0 Jan  1 00:02 ram0                   
brw-rw----    1 root     disk        1,   1 Jan  1 00:01 ram1                   
brw-rw----    1 root     disk        1,   3 Jan  1 00:13 ram3    

BTW, all of the above steps work fine on a beagleboard.

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Contributor I


when all else fails, find another way

mount -t tmpfs none /root/ramdisk -o size=1m

Hope this helps someone,


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