Tamper detection in imx93

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Tamper detection in imx93

Contributor I


I am currently working on a project based on the i.MX93 processor. I am interested in using tamper pins to detect tampering in i.MX93 on Linux. I have read several posts on this forum, but they mainly refer to i.MX6 and i.MX8 processors. I'm not sure how transferable this information is to the i.MX93 processor. I have read the IMX93ELEAPI document, but there is no information about the tamper function.

Maybe someone has documentation and examples on how to run this functionality and how to use it. I found an example on the NXP repository, but for i.MX7 (https://github.com/nxp-imx-support/imx_sec_apps/tree/master/imx7d_tampering/tampering). I also found this website: https://community.nxp.com/t5/i-MX-Security/i-MX-Security-Reference-Manuals/ta-p/1229613, but after selecting i.MX93 I get information that the website does not exist.

Can anyone help me on this topic or direct me to the right person?


Best Regards,


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