RT1176 can't write values to variables

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RT1176 can't write values to variables

Contributor II


I am working on a project with custom PCB based on MIMXRT1176DVMAA MCU. I can program MCU and debug the program with MCUXpresso and with Ozone.

I see the instructions being executed, but without any result. Variables are created in the correct RAM address, but even assigning values to them does not work.


Example simplest code:

static volatile uint32_t var 0;
void main(void)
  var 1; 


The var has a random value, that is not changing during execution.

I tried adding the same code (creating variable and assigning value to it) at the beginning of ResetISR() and the result was exactly the same.

At the moment I believe there is some kind of issue with the hardware configuration of our custom PCB. Is there anything except voltages, clock of oscillators and startup procedure that I should test?




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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Piotr,

Are you using SDK code? If not, please try it this will help us to see if this could be software issue, If any variable does not change the value I would assume that this will also happen when running SDK example.

Also please let me know what is the MCUXpresso version you are using.

Best regards,


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