Need to transfer data from i.MX 8M Mini EVKB to ESP32 module via bluetooth

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Need to transfer data from i.MX 8M Mini EVKB to ESP32 module via bluetooth

Contributor II


I'm working in a project where I need to send the sensor data from i.MX 8M Mini EVKB to ESP32 module. I enabled Bluetooth in IMX8 and can able to connect it with my mobile. But when I try to connect it to ESP32 it shows error like this in linux terminal.

Attempting to connect to 7C:9E:BD:35:F2:7A 

[CHG] Device 7C:9E:BD:35:F2:7A Connected: yes

[CHG] Device 7C:9E:BD:35:F2:7A ServicesResolved: yes

Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.NotAvailable

[CHG] Device 7C:9E:BD:35:F2:7A ServicesResolved: no

[CHG] Device 7C:9E:BD:35:F2:7A Connected: no
 I can able to pair and trust my ESP32 but can't able to establish a connection in between them.
So, can you guys please help me how to connect and exchange the data between imx8 and ESP32
note: I need to implement in my project ASAP.
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2 Replies

Contributor II

Hi Igor,

Thanks for the response. I already referred these documents and followed the procedures. But I can't able to connect it with ESP32 module. Is there any specific packages for ES32 module like pulseaudio and bluetooth-player.

ESP32 does not a support A2DP source profile feature. It's just receive 8bit data from IMX8 via bluetooth and display it in serial terminal.




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