I am using a linux kernel-3.10.17 and I'm trying to communicate using UARTS on a i.MX6S CPU.
I am using RS485 adapters and the problem is that the RTS signal is always high when I transmit and receive.
I noticed that this is a FAQ in the community website but there is no answer neither solution.
I wonder if the RS485 protocol is currently supported or not.
Thank you.
Hi Marco
current driver doesn't support RS485 mode, it may be useful
link below
i.MX6 UART Driver and RS485 Support
Best regards
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Hi Igor,
Thank you, I had already seen that link, unfortunaltely it manages the CTS signal but RS485 need to move the RTS as well suring the transmission.
Reading the datasheet I noticed that i-MX6 is not able to drive the RTS internally, so the only way that I see is to manage RTS as regular GPIO from inside imx.c
Do you know a better solution?
Best regards,
Hi Marco,
Uwe Kleine-König recently pushed patches to the main-line driver for the i.MX UART to support RS-485 transmit-enable using the RTS line:
Hi Eric,
thank you for this hint, it looks promising.
Do you know to which kernel version does it apply to?
Hi Marco,
You can use the navigation links in the git URL above to get a picture of the tree as of that commit, and if you navigate to the top level Makefile, you'll see that it was applied after 4.0.0-rc2:
Hi Eric,
I adapted that patch to my imx kernel-3.10.17.
Unfortunately it doesn't drive the RTS down during transmission, I think this is a lack in the CPU logic.
Hi Marco
IMX6DQRM sect.64.13.2 Programming the UART in 9-bit RS-485 mode
shows RS485 programming, I believe there is no better solution.
In general it is possible to use GPIO to control RS-485 output driver.
Best regards