Build custom device tree in IMX8M Android 10 BSP

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Build custom device tree in IMX8M Android 10 BSP

Contributor I

Hi NXP support team,

I am using imx8mm chip and try to build custom android uboot and kernel image.

I modify mk files under "device/fsl/" for my custom "lunch" and also add custom device tree and config in uboot and kernel. 

After I do my custom "lunch" which is successful i can build android uboot and kernel image by below commands.

"./ bootloader -j4"  and "./ bootimage -j4"

But when I try to build android device tree (dtbo.img) with command "./ dtboimage -j4" it shows below error :

FAILED: ninja: unknown target 'dtboimage'
10:47:30 ninja failed with: exit status 1

Or when i try to build whole android image with command "./ -j4" it shows below error which fail on building dtbo.img too :

FAILED: ninja: 'out/target/product/my_test/dtbo-imx8mm.img', needed by 'out/target/product/my_test/dtbo.img', missing and no known rule to make it
11:06:12 ninja failed with: exit status 1

I can find my custom dtb is builded under "out/", but i can't build android device tree image. 

Please tell me where i need to modify in Anrdoid 10 BSP for building dtbo.img.



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1 Reply

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport



Please note that for android 10 you'll need to build uboot and kernel first than everything else, so if you want to build one at a time you could try with the following:
i.e. for i.MX 8MM


$ cd ${MY_ANDROID}

$ source build/

$ lunch evk_8mm-userdebug

$ ./ bootloader -j4

$ ./ kernel -c -j4

$ make bootimage -j4

$ make dtboimage -j4


Please note that if you have built both uboot and kernel successfully you won't need script to build android, if you want to build whole android try with the following:


$ ./ bootloader kernel -j4

$ make -j4


Hope this helps,

Best regards,


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