A picture which is taken by i.MX6 kk4.4.2_1.0.0-ga is not able to be opened by PC.

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A picture which is taken by i.MX6 kk4.4.2_1.0.0-ga is not able to be opened by PC.

Senior Contributor I

Hi community,

We found a problem about i.MX6DL android_kk4.4.2_1.1.0-ga.

Actually, a picture image taken by camera application is not able to be opend by PC via MTP.

Please see how to reproduce this issue as below.

1. Boot android_kk4.4.2_1.0.0-ga on MCIMX6DL-SDP.

2. Launch camera application.

3. Take a picture.

4. Connect to PC via USB.

5. Open a picture on Internal storage\DCIM\Camera\

How should we resolve this problem?

We don't know it is related this issue, but for your information.

The file size of a picture is different between when check it by "ls -l" command by serial console and when check it by Windows explore.

Best Regards,

Satoshi Shimoda

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6 Replies

Contributor III

Can you post the picture and the expected dimensions? It is probably a raw image and may need to be opened in a slightly different manner

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Senior Contributor I

Hi Alex,

With jb4.2.2_1.1.0-ga, the taken picture is able to be opened by double click on PC as below.

We want to get the same result with kk4.4.2_1.0.0-ga also.


However, with kk4.4.2_1.0.0-ga, the taken picture is not able to be opened by double clock on PC as below.


For your information, I checked the files size by serial console and by PC.

With jb4.2.2_1.1.0-ga, the both checked size was same as below.


But with kk4.4.2_1.0.0-ga, the size was different as below.


I don't know whether it is related to this problem, but I hope it helps you.

Best Regards,

Satoshi Shimoda

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Senior Contributor I

For your information,

The picture file on kk4.4.2_1.0.0-ga is able to be opened after copy it to PC.

This issue happens only when open the picture via MTP.

So I guess this is not codec issue, but access permission or something similar.

Best Regards,

Satoshi Shimoda

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hello Satoshi,

let me tell you so far about my findings:

1) You are correct, if you doubleclick you get the following message:

windows photo viewer can't open this picture because either photo viewer doesn't support this file format or you don't have the latest updates to photo viewer

2) If you actually right click on the picture and click "open" , the image will open without problems.

3) I tried it with Ubuntu Linux and I didn't experience any problems.

I'm not sure if there is an update for windows PhotoViewer but I've been serching for this and there are several people with the same problem.. let me keep looking...

Senior Contributor I

Hi Sergio,

Thank you for your reply.

Actually, it is no problem with i.MX6DL + jb4.2.2_1.1.0-ga, we can open a image on MCIMX6DL-SDP by Windows PC.
On the other hand, i.MX6Q + jb4.2.2_1.1.0-ga, we cannot open a image by PC.

So we think it is depends on BSP, and it is a resolvable issue.

Would you investigate this issue again?

Best Regards,

Satoshi Shimoda

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Our apps team is working on this case, I'll let you know as soon as we have an update.

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