NTAG 5 switch does not work with android app

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NTAG 5 switch does not work with android app

Contributor I


I have bought an NTAG 5  switch a few weeks ago. After I have built the circuit I installed the android app source code (SW5870 from NXP Homepage) with Android Studio on my smartphone (Version 1.1). Unfortunately the button "ALM USE CASE" not exists. That not a problem for me, because I do not need this function. So I wanted to use the button "GPIO USE CASE". I can read my NTAG 5 switch, but I can not write him. The app shows that the switch is described, but in reality it is not, because when I go out of the app and close it and back in, I read out the NTAG again and then the last configured value is not there. It is still the old value there. I also tried to press the Button "SET GPIO/PWM Mode" after writing. There comes then a message that the configuration was successfully taken over and I should restart the NTAG.
After a power reset unfortunately nothing has changed in the configuration.

Also I tried different smartphones with Android 7, 8 and 12. But all had the same problem.

Can someone please help me and tell me what I am doing wrong?

Many thanks in advance.

Best Regards Niklas


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