Looking for IoT Toolbox iOS app source code

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Looking for IoT Toolbox iOS app source code

Contributor II

I am looking for the IoT Toolbox iOS and Android app source code.  Where can I download this?  If this is not available, where is the BLE documentation on what is returned from the chip?  Each BLE device is different, and I need to know how to bond with it and how to read the battery level, and how to read the system information. 

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15 Replies

Contributor III

Here is the answer from mouser :

We don't have any programmers and don't offer that kind of support. We can only help you if the product is defective.
 at 11:34, Oct 22:
ok ok i see, i you dont have any application engineer ?
 at 9:35, Oct 22:
We are a reseller, we don't write the programs.
0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Florian,

Could you provide more info on how did you contact mouser? Which mouser (country, city etc.), and did you write an email or via online chat? If email, could you provide the email address. Thanks.

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Contributor III

Hi Xiang,

It was via the onlline chat.

But I discuss I also created a ticket on nxp support, and it seems impossible to have the source code for sure, i wait from mario_castaneda‌ more informations about the big lines on how to do develop this ( how to send the file .su via smartphone).

If Nxp doesn't want to explain how to do ( and i still do not understand why but ..) , i don't see how mouser will know that.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Florian,

If you are doing OTA using KW41, have you checked the following docs?

- BLE demo application user guides (section 5.17)

- BLE application developers guide (section 11)

There you can find more tech info on how to do OTA.

For distributors, try to call them directly and ask to speak to a sales or FAE, maybe they can help you to request the materials from NXP.



Contributor III

Hi Xiang,

The BLE demo application user guides doesn't bring so much, but you are right, BLE application developers guide (section 11) is may be informations i'm searching for fez days now. I have seens that yesterday by searching informations on sleep mode !

Did you use this document to integrate by yourself in application the OTA ?

Is it hard to do, because according to the doc it seems to not be so straight forward.

What i understand is that we have to split .su file in small block, send each block with dedicated  command, without ack, and once downloaded, send a command to check that all was ok.

Thanks a lot for you support Xiang it is really helpfull and i really appreciate that  :smileyhappy:

Even the nice guy from Rigado ( i 'm using R41Z) redirect me to NXP so i'm ralmost sure that the best FAE from mouser or farnell never went so deep in OTA .

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

>> Did you use this document to integrate by yourself in application the OTA ?

Haven't done it myself. But when I quickly scanned the document I think it should be doable. Just take time.

It requires BLE application knowledge (GATT/GAP etc.), and BLE development on android/ios.

And keep in mind there is OTAP server/client examples in KW41 SDK, you can refer to those codes to understand how the OTA is done.

I sense that we are off topic under this thread. If you have more detailed questions, maybe open another post for KW41 OTA. And we will try to help you as much as possible based on the public available materials.

Contributor III

Ok thanks a lot Xiang Li, i will focus first on the rest of my application. I can still use iot toolbox for debug.

At the moment i will focus on OTA, i will create a thread with dedicated and precise question in case of i need . At least now i know what to use as material and what is available to solve the problem.

Thanks you very much everybody :smileyhappy:

Contributor III

i'm also interessted concerning the OTA for kw41z side, just to know how to upload the firmware image into the device via ble, it works fine with the android app, but i would never ask my customer to use this ... i need to implement my own solution in my own app. Nordicq have all this souce open for that , what benefit to keep it for you ?

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

If the requested materials is not publicly available on NXP website, the community guys here cannot do much about it I think. There are some materials distributed via e.g. DocStore upon request, but it is via distributors / sales / FAEs. Not to everyone.

So as Mario mentioned already, please try to contact local sales and distributors.

Distributors also provide tech support if you are buying from them. Like Daniel case, just call local number of Mouser. If you are shipping millions of devices, I guess they are more than happy to help you.

As of whether or not a material should be released publicly, or with limited access via certain channels, or not accessible at all, is another topic to discuss.

Contributor III

Thanks Xiang,

I dont ' see why there not just a small documentation on this topic.... What is intertest for NXP to propose a nice product, a nice software stack but that you can 't use at the end because you can't pass by your own software solution to upload.. absoluty no interess. Look at nordic solution sorry but on this side it is fully documented.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Daniel,

The IoT Toolbox IOS and Android source code is not available, for more details please contact your local sales.

You can look up for the SDK https://mcuxpresso.nxp.com/en/dashboard 

For example, KW41 provides BLE example and the documentation.

Bluetooth® Low Energy Application Developer’s Guide

4.1.3 Pairing and bonding



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Contributor II

Well, I'm having connection issues with the board.  And for sales, I bought the board through Mouser, and what does that have to do with anything?  You want us to use your chip, buy  your chip, but you don't help with coding?  I am going to need a few million units in the coming months.  Should I go to another manufacturer, such as Texas Instruments, who do offer the source code for their mobile apps, for the chips that I need?

Contributor II

Any update on this? Still no code available?

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


Unfortunately, the source code is not available.

For more details contact your local sales or your FAE.



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Contributor II

is there any way to get "iot toolbox" source code?? or any information about android application,. in sdk information available only for qn9080 nxp code,i want android application information.

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