How do you set timers in JenOS?

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How do you set timers in JenOS?

Contributor II

I've been scratching my head over the details on how to get a timer configured in JenOS. I'm trying to set a software timer that calls back a function every ms and increments a value. I tried using the app_timer_driver.h file, but none of the hardware timer functions/calbacks such as APP_cbEnableTickTimer() do not seem to be available outside of the module and seem to be for some other use. Reading the manual, it doesn't seem fairly obvious how to set up your own hardware timer because I can't seem to set up a software timer using the hardware timer already configured in the oscfg file since when I try to register the SW timer, the IDE always throws me an error saying it's undefined. Any tutorials or pre-done code I can look at to have an idea how to do a fairly simple task (setting up a timer and having it callback a function to increment a value) in this environment?

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Contributor II

I set timers with using the JenOS Configuration Editor (graphical tool) - plug-in for the Eclipse IDE.

JenOS Configuration Editor is decribed in JN-UG-3075.