MP3H6115A Failure modes?

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MP3H6115A Failure modes?

521 次查看
Contributor I

Using the MP3H6115A in an altimeter application and we are observing a strange behavior in our test rig.  We are driving the sensor at 3.2Vdc and the output voltage at 101.3Kpa (sealevel) is hovering around 1.5Vdc.  Review of the related circuit shows no abnormalities.  Is this a typical failure mode of the sensor?

-Side question:  We considered using the MPL3115A2 but our current application requires a sample rate > 250Hz is there any way to achieve a higher sample rate greater than 100Hz with the MPL3115A2?

-Thank you

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308 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Brian,

I have not heard of a similar problem with the MP3H6115A so far.

How many parts have you tested and on how many of them you are observing this erroneous readings? How did you solder them? Could you please share here your complete schematic?

As for your second question, unfortunately the MPL3115A2 does not allow to achieve a higher ODR than ~166Hz.



PS: If my answer helps to solve your question, please mark it as "Correct". Thank you.

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