The Reset pin of S32K144HFVLL is a sawtooth wave, and the crystal oscillator cannot start to oscilla

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The Reset pin of S32K144HFVLL is a sawtooth wave, and the crystal oscillator cannot start to oscilla

Contributor I

Hello everyone, the chip I use is S32K144HFVLL, but when I DEBUG, the program cannot be executed. The Reset pin is always a sawtooth wave and cannot be pulled high (the RESET of my circuit is actually pulled up to 3.3V), and the microcontroller The external 8M crystal oscillator can’t start to vibrate. The compiler I use is S32 Design Studio for ARM, and I usethe official library routines that come with the compiler (S32K144_Project_Hello and S32K144_Project_HelloClocks in the S32K144_Project group). How can I solve this problem, thank you . The figure is the waveform of RESET pin。S32K144_Reset.png

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2 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi 杨伟鹏,

Have you try to select Emergency Kinetis Device Recovery by Full Chip Erase in debug configurations?

Emergency Kinetis Device Recovery by Full Chip Erase.png


If still not work, please try to use the P&E Recovery Utility described in "Bricking and Recovering FRDM-KL25Z Boards: Reset, SWD Clock and Low Power".


Best Regards,



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Contributor I
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