Testing BIST

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Testing BIST

Contributor I

I'm currently working on testing the functionality of NXP hardware using Built-In Self-Test (BIST) features, and I could use some guidance on the process.

Specifically, I'm looking for assistance with the following:

  1. Process of loading BIST images onto the target hardware.
  2. Configuring BIST settings, such as test parameters and modes.

If you have experience with similar tasks or can point me towards relevant documentation or examples, that would be incredibly helpful.

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1 Reply

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


All information on regards of BIST should be contained under the "doc" folder inside the "BIST" folder, similar to the path shown below:


On regards of the 2nd point, reconfiguration of the BIST settings is not recommended by NXP. As told under the BIST User Manual [Page 7-8, UM40BISTSPDR1.9.0, Rev 3.0, 02/2022]:

"It should be noted that the user is not required to perform any other configuration for the
startup self-test other than correctly providing the self-test DCD image as shown above.
The self-test DCD covers only the critical sections of MRD to keep boot time short and it
is then the responsibility of the application to initiate other necessary BIST execution from
the application.


Any modification of this sequence will
change the coverage levels achieved and is therefore not recommended or guaranteed. "

Please, let us know.

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