S32G PFE can not work

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S32G PFE can not work

2,282 次查看
Contributor III

Hi all,

    Recently,i am developing the PFE interface on my develop board(S32G-VNP-RDB2).According to the PFE demo and it's application note,i import the Lwip demo and modify it by following the "GUIDE TO ENABLE PFE WITH LWIP BASED ON RTD".After finishing the step describe in "GUIDE TO ENABLE PFE WITH LWIP BASED ON RTD",i complier the project and it triger an error,which is show as below picture:


    After shield the line of 13138 ,which is show in the picture above,the project can compiler successfully.

   Later,i download the project into my develop board and run,through stopping the process,i find that the program stuck in the place show as below:



      I think it may be the version case the problem.The RTD version show in the PFE-DEMO application note is "S32G2 Real Time Drivers 4.4 Version 1.0.0 HF01",however my RTD Version is "SW32G_RTD_4.4_3.0.2_HF01".Beside,the S32DS platform package version show in the PFE-DEMO application note is"3.4.1",however my S32DS platform package version is "3.4.3".

      Can you please tell me how to solve problem,because all my projects are develop base on S32DS platform package v3.4.3 and SW32G_RTD_4.4_3.0.2_HF01, so i have to use the PFE also on these version.


Best regard,


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2,112 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi @leo_liu2,

Hope you are doing well.

The RTD Stack you are using is of Version 4.4 3.0.2 and as per the guide you need to install RTD Autosar Version 4.4 4.0.0 with TCP/IP Stack 1.0.3. you can install new RTD Stack on top of the older one. You can use IDE 3.4 for the same to compile the PFE Example..

Also, the ECU Configuration will be generated from EB Tresos and copy paste generated files in the workspace.

Hope this helps.



Mayank s Patel

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2,107 次查看
Contributor III

Hi @MayanksPatel 

     Thanks for your reply firstly,as you mention,ECU Configuration will be generated from EB Tresos.What version of the EB Tresos i should use, 27.1.0 or newer one?

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2,103 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi @leo_liu2,

EB Tresos version is mentioned in the "GUIDE TO ENABLE PFE WITH LWIP BASED ON RTD". you have to use same.




Mayank s Patel

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2,090 次查看
Contributor III

Hi @MayanksPatel 

    It seems that the newest version of RTD on the NXP website is S32G Real-Time Drivers 4.4 Version 3.0.3


    I can not find the version S32G Real-Time Drivers 4.4 Version 4.0.0 of the RTD on NXP website,can you tell me where i can download it?


Thanks and Best Regards,


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2,059 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi @leo_liu2,


Thanks for sharing details with us.


Do you have NDA with NXP? Will you please share it with me over email?



Mayank s Patel

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2,100 次查看
Contributor III

Hi @MayanksPatel 

   OK,I will try the way you mentioned above and give you a feedback later.


Thanks and Best Regards,


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2,197 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi @leo_liu2,

Hope you are doing well.

Can you share the version information of the TCP/IP Stack in which you have found a sample application for the lwip?

Also, Share the details of the error during compilation that you are facing without commenting on the MEMMAP_ERROR clause.



Mayank s Patel

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2,138 次查看
Contributor III

Hi @MayanksPatel ,

     The version information in the  "GUIDE TO ENABLE PFE WITH LWIP BASED ON RTD" is show as follow figure:



However,my IDE version and SDK version is different form it,which is show as follow:

(1)IDE version:


(2)SDK version



      It seem that my IDE version and SDK version are all different from the version mention in the "GUIDE TO ENABLE PFE WITH LWIP BASED ON RTD".

      Can you tell me based on my SDK and IDE version,what should i do to make the PFE driver compatibility?


Thanks and Best Regard,


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2,141 次查看
Contributor III

Hi @MayanksPatel 

   My TCP/IP Stack version is shown as the picture in the attachment.

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