IPCF sample application

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IPCF sample application

357 次查看
Contributor II


I tried compiling the IPCF application framework given for NXP S32 RTD running on Cortex-M7 core of NXP S32 platform. The application was builded for bare-metal. To access the shared memory whether any other framework is required other than the IPCF_4.6.0_D2205.

Also, is there any flashing procedure available for Cortex-M7 core?

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335 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


We might be misunderstanding the request. Below will be some comments.

IPCF is available on both the bare-metal application inside the M7 core (with the examples provided under the IPCF package) and linux. Under the IPCF example (the one for M7 core) a "description.txt" is provided, in which detailed steps are provided on how to run the example application.

Also, which RTD/BSP versions are you using?

Please, let us know.

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