S32K3 SDK: Re-Attach RTD-SDK from command line

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S32K3 SDK: Re-Attach RTD-SDK from command line

966 次查看
Contributor I


it's possible to perform following GUI steps via command line?


I have a S32K344 project checked in into git without RTD folder.

The project uses the PlatformSDK_S32K3_2021_10.

I try to build the project on a linux build slave with jenkins.

I need to reattach the SDK (missing SDK files) to complete all build steps.

Can anyone help?


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3 回复数

947 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hello Fabian,

Within S32 Design Studio's help documentation system is a guide for using the S32 Configuration Tools from command line. In this section is example usage, including to import the configuration from an existing .mex file. If the SDK/RTD was used, then this MEX file should already exist within your project. If not, you may need to recreated it, there is an example of this as well.

You can locate this documentation from within the S32 Design Studio application Help -> Help Contents, then S32 Configuration Tools Getting Started -> Command Line Execution.

Hope it helps,


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935 次查看
Contributor I


i tried every command but RTD folder is not created at all...

'board' and 'generate' is created correctly.

On Windows the RTD folder is created during "Update Code" in S32CT.

On Linux (with command line) i got a ton of warnings, for example: 

WARNING: LPUART7_CLK: missing output group type. Peripheral will be used instead.

But same MEX file works fine on Windows.

Do i need a ECUConfig-File? 

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924 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hello Fabian,

It is very helpful to know you are using Linux host. The weakness is with the RTD, it doesn't officially support Linux installation. S32 Design Studio supports and is fully tested on Linux, as noted in the release notes document. Unfortunately, the RTD is not developed to ensure full Linux compatibility. So it's possible you can successfully install it and use it in some ways, but as you have discovered, issues are to be expected.

My recommendation is to determine the correct command-line commands to execute on Windows first, then try them on Linux. When these commands fail on the RTD, then post your support request to the support team for that software at: https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32-SDK/bd-p/s32sdk Perhaps they can assist you to get those commands working and ultimately solve your issue.

Best Regards,


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