rank novice question

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rank novice question

Contributor I
Hello all, I'm hoping this is an easy question for you gurus.

I'm a rank novice working on embedded programming for the first time. I bought a dragon12 board from Wytec and ran through Huang's new book in an attempt to get familiar with the basics by executing the code in the EmbeddedGNU compiler. Problem is, the software company I'm working with uses Codewarrior... Well, Codewarrior is a 'little' more involved than EmbeddedGNU and I floundered for a while before coming across a website that had shown step-by-step how to get the Dragon12 board working with Codewarrior.


I also have a PEMicro USB Multilink interface to confuse myself further. All this thing did was give me the power to erase the entire flash.

Long and the short of it, I blew away the D-Bug12 monitor and tried to replace it with the HCS12 serial monitor from the above website. Of course it didn't work. In fact, Code warrior HATES my COM1 port! EmbeddedGNU was able to upload no problem however so all of the hardware works (at least until I blew away the flash!).

I'm wondering if you all can help me with a few things.

1.) How do I reflash the Dragon12 board? I've found the .s19 files but it doesn't seem to take. Any step-by-step instructions out there on how to do this? I miss hitting the reset button and having the LEDs flash on in decending order.

2.) Why can't codewarrior talk to a standard COM1 port when EmbeddedGNU has no trouble?

Thanks in advance for helping a noob out.
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2 Replies

Contributor IV
Well, first off, I'm not sure why you'd want to put the debug monitor back in when you have a USB-BDM module. Why run ANY monitor unless you're going to set the thing up for use without the Multilink BDM module?

I'm not familiar with the board you're using, but what I'd recomend you do is start by writing simple routines, like set a bit high that you can see happening on your board with an LED or meter. Then set it low. They try to read switches. Then try to send a serial byte. Simple stuff that you can move off to your own little 'library' of routines as you get more and more familiar with the setup you're using. Single stepping with CW is fantastic for learning the 12 and how it works.

Once you know how to control the part, then figure out what you want to do with it, and how you're going to lay out your code to fit.

If you really insist on putting the monitor back it, then do so, but is it really going to be there in your final product?
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Contributor I
Thanks mke_et. I guess I wanted to get back to where I was. Once I read your post I scrapped that idea and focused on getting the board working with codewarrior and the BDM. Victory! I got some LEDs to light... on purpose!

Thanks again.

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