FreeMaster Recorder Error

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FreeMaster Recorder Error

Contributor I

I have FreeMaster connected to the Freescale KIT9Z1J638EVM through the USB and the variables are being read through the scope and in Variable Watch.  When I try to add a Recorder I get the following error "Recorder Could Not Be Initialised. Error 0x80000081(Invalid Command)."  What does this mean, as I cannot find any information on the web?  In the Recorder properties I also see that Board Time Base is "Not Defined" and Current On-Board Recorder Memory is at 0 bytes.  How do I get this to read the memory on KIT9Z1J638EVM?


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5 Replies

Contributor II


I see over at mcuoneclipse that you have solved your problem. I'm not sure I understand what your problem was. I'm using OpenSDA on FRDM-KE06Z board.

I have FreeMaster Scope working fine, but I get the same error that you listed when I try to open my Recording.

Any tips to get this going?

The lack of tutorials and documentation on FreeMaster is troubling. This appears to be an excellent tool if I could get it working!

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Contributor I

Hi Matt,

I am using the BDM communication plugin via USB, because Freemaster will not connect to KIT9Z1J638EVM via the serial por in the communication setup on Freemaster, I tried every other connection available there but only the BDM will connect.   On the bottom of Freemaster it details your connection, and mine says BDM Communication Plugin. The BDM connection plugin has limitations, see Startmenu | FreeMASTER 2.0 | Protocol & Library Documentation which reads “FreeMASTER Recorder, Application Commands, Target-side Addressing, Masked (bit-wise) write access and other higher protocol features are NOT available with BDM. In order to use such features over the BDM, use Packet Driven BDM Plug-in with FreeMASTER Serial Driver running on the target side.” 

My issue is solved in that I now know why I am getting the error on the Recorder, but I never got the Recorder to work.  I would have to transition to a different interface like serial, or use the Packet Driven BDM Plug-in with what they call FreeMASTER Serial Driver code running on the Freescale circuit, which in my case is the KIT9Z1J638EVM.  How are you connecting to the FRDM-KE06Z board and is it through the BDM Plugin? 




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Contributor II


Thank you for your prompt reply. Where your FreeMaster says "BDM Communication Plugin" mine says "RS232 UART Communication; COM6; speed=19200". I'm using the FRDM-KE06Z kit which has OpenSDA debugger built-in providing COM6 vitual serial port.

My Recorder properties are the same as yours except Recorded samples is 1000. Changing it to 40 does nothing useful.

Any ideas?

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Contributor I

Hi Matt,

No sure how much I can add, because I never got it to work for recorder.  My only suggestion is to make sure you added the Freemaster files to your project according to these steps:


1. Include the files under the FreeMASTER Serial Communication Vxx\src_commonin your application code project with no changes.

2. One file changed in FreeMASTER Serial Communication V1.6\src_platforms\MPC56xxdirectory:

a) renamed freemaster_cfg.h.example to freemaster_cgh.h

b) Confiigure freemaster by changing macro definitions

3. Addition to main.c

a) Add function call FMSTR_Init() after system init

b) Add function call FMSTR_Poll(); in main loop

4. To build with FreeMASTER support for MPC56xx, include all files under FreeMASTER Serial Communication V1.6\src_platforms\MPC56xx and FreeMASTER Serial Communication V1.6\src_platforms\MPC56xx directories.

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Contributor I

Are Freemaster error codes defined somewhere so I can look up the error code?

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