[SPI] SPI 1/ 3 port setting of lx2160a in the RCW

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[SPI] SPI 1/ 3 port setting of lx2160a in the RCW

Contributor II


Our board is based on LX2160a and we are configuring SPI1/SPI3 as Master and using it for communicating with the Slave.

For this purpose in the RCW we have configured SDHC1_BASE_PMUX=2 ( 0b'010 - SPI1_SOUT, SPI1_PCS[0:2], SPI1_SCK, SPI1_PCS[3]) for SPI1. But, we can't find SPI1_SIN in the RCW.

In the case of SPI3, we have configured SDHC1_DS_PMUX=2 (0b'10 - SPI3_SCK) , IIC5_PMUX=3 (0b'011 - {IIC5_SCL, IIC5_SDA} ={ SPI3_SOUT, SPI3_SIN}). But, we can't find SPI3_PCS0 in the RCW.

How can we set up RCW to use SPI1 and SPI3 fully?


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