CW:Failed to recover ls2088aqds board with CodeWarrier (2018 vesion)

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CW:Failed to recover ls2088aqds board with CodeWarrier (2018 vesion)

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

attached err snapshot:

CodeWarrier: CW_CW4NET_v2018.01_Win_b180126_Offline


1.Hw  setting configured exactly as CodeWarrier’reademe

 2.modfy USE_SAFE_RCW = True in Taget Initiaialization File


Readme file setting

# Switch settings for LS2088A QDS - PCB REV B2, FPGA REV V12


SW1 : 0x12 = 00010010 SW5 : 0xFF = 11111111 SW9 : 0xFE = 11111110
SW2 : 0xFF = 11111111 SW6 : 0x0F = 00001111 SW10: 0xE8 = 11101000
SW3 : 0x2E = 00101110 SW7 : 0x2A = 00101010 SW11: 0xFC = 11111100
SW4 : 0xAF = 10101111 SW8 : 0x49 = 01001001 SW12: 0xFF = 11111111

Where '1' = UP/ON

# JTAG configuration and setup

CFG_JTAG_ROUTE needs to be configured as below:

SW10[6:8] = 000 - CCS to DUT Only
Including the QIXIS FPGA on the JTAG chain is not currently supported.

Also TBSCAN_EN_B needs to be configured as below:
SW5[7] = 1 - Debugger mode

Ccs diagnostic information

(bin) 51 % source IDcode.tcl

Scanning for available TAPs connected via USB.....

+ Available Remote Connections
+ 1 - CodeWarriorTAP - 00:04:9f:04:2b:70
+ 2 - CodeWarriorTAP - <Specify IP Address>
+ 3 - GigabitTAP - <Specify IP Address>
+ x - Exit Script without Changes

Specify connection:

Specify IP Address

Configuring TAP Interface....

Configured Connection: cwtap :

TDO -----
* Device 0 IDCODE: 5133001D Device: NXP QIXIS
TDI -----

# configTAP - Redefine TAP interface
# scanboard - Scans the target system
# and returns the JTAG IDCode
# ir - Loopback test

(bin) 52 %

Can someone help me see this question?

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