About booting the DSP side of bsc9131

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About booting the DSP side of bsc9131

1,072 次查看
Contributor II


          I'm following the Using PSC9131RDB BSP,A step by step guide to boot the DSP side of 9131,but now I get some questions,the guide says like below,

          Required binary images are already part of rootfs. The release contains a test firmware that is used to verify IPC function. To load this firmware on DSP, execute following command on Linux shell prompt: $ /ipc/dsp_bt /dsp_images/ipc_913x_dbg_0.5.bin

          but in my 9131's linux OS,the dsp_bt is a file instead of a directory,

          root@bsc913x:/ipc# ls -l

          -rwxr-x---    1 root     root          8441 Jun  7  2013 app

          -rwx------    1 root     root          8621 Jan 28  2014 dsp_bt

          -rwxr-x---    1 root     root          8329 Jan 28  2014 dsp_recover

          -rwx------    1 root     root          7538 Jan 28  2014 dump_mem

          -rwx------    1 root     root         11779 Jan 28  2014 ipc_test

          -rwx------    1 root     root         11312 Jan 28  2014 ipc_test67

          -rw-r--r--    1 root     root            34 Feb 21  2013 mem_dump_cfg.txt

          and if I just excute the ipc_test in the ipc dir,the endless log appears:

          main loop #ret  0

          main loop #ret  0

          main loop #ret  0


          What's wrong with that?

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952 次查看
NXP Pro Support
NXP Pro Support


So this seems to be a misinterpretation:  dsp_bt is a program which is used to load the DSP code and set it to run.  It's usage is typically:

dsp_bt <dsp binary image.bin>

the example is just showing the paths to find each part (the bootloader program and the dsp binary image)...

Once this is done you should run the ipc_test application as this will be the Linux side application that sends and receives IPC messages (which the DSP binary image should also do).

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952 次查看
Contributor II

And what's more,if I excecute dsp_bt,the result is

===DSP boot Application===(1.1.02)==



but it seems like there is something wrong,just like the doc says,

Appearance of ‘DSP Booted up’ confirms successful completion of DSP firmware upload.

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952 次查看
Contributor II

Thanks,so what should I do now to run the DSP side(which is the Linux side send and receives IPC messages to DPS side)?

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