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Embedded Systems

Contributor I

The microcontroller we are using is IMXRT1024 and platform to build the code is MCUXpresso IDE. While we are try to run our application code in flash memory, Active Fault error pops up as shown in the below picture.


When we try to run the same code in SRAM, we don't find any such issues and functionality of the code is also fine. On further debugging we found, when commenting two lines of code (which is used to configure a particular GPIO pin), we were able to flash successfully without any active fault errors.

The following are the couple of lines we commented to get rid off the issue.


IOMUXC_SetPinConfig( IOMUXC_GPIO_SD_B1_05_GPIO3_IO25,  0x0170A1U); 

An addon information is we similarly configure 5 such GPIO pins, and they don't cause any issue.

What could cause such active fault errors and is there any possibility to get rid off the issue even while we configure the above mentioned GPIO pin?


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @Dharshini,

Are you using the EVK or a custom board? Pin GPIO_SD_B1_05 is used for FlexSPI_DQS signal. This is probably the root cause of the issue, since it is a pin that is related to Flash communication and as you mentioned, the issue is only present when using flash, not RAM. From the Hardware Development Guide: "For RT1020 FlexSPI module to support QSPI flash, FlexSPI_DQS pin (GPIO_SD_B1_05) is kept floating to achieve high-speed access."

Leaving the pin uninitialized by commenting those two lines should be OK, as this would ensure that the pin will stay in a floating state.


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