Toolbox doesn't create A2L file

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Toolbox doesn't create A2L file

Contributor IV


    I'm working on calibration that changing the variable value in the MPC5744P by Freemaster and displaying the  variable value in the simulink.But MBD Toolbox doesn't  create  an A2L file .What I need to do?

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4 返答(返信)

NXP Employee
NXP Employee


A2L is a special description file that defines the implementation of an ECU that can communicate with a slave module via an XCP (a.k.k Universal Measurement and Calibration Protocol) connection. 

Usually this is created via manufacturer software dedicated for that specific communication module for example Vector CAN: 

Our toolbox does not have such capabilities to create or use A2L files.

Your scenario - to change a value via Freemaster and have it displayed in Simulink may be implemented with PIL support if you create a infinite loop to allow Simulink to read data all the time from the CPU via Serial connection while the Freemaster will be connected via CAN network with the same CPU.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,


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Contributor III

Please check this homepage to generate A2L file from the simulink model

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Contributor IV

Hi Daniel ,

     There is a 2-D LookupTable in my Simulink model and  I'm about to calibrate the Table data by Freemaster or CANape so that I can change the Input-output relation when starting PIL simulation.Without the A2L file,is there any other file in the MBD Toolbox helping me complete the calibration?

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi hjhjhj‌,

It might be - but all depends on the type of applications.

In general when i'm thinking about a calibration - i'm thinking of a sort of routine that is executed one at system startup.

If that is the case for your application then, Simulink can help you. There is a way to call a routine during the Simulink initialization routine. Inside this routine you can call your calibration function that might implemented the automatic calibration.

There is a topic that covers this in great details that was opened by edenli here: 

About Code generation in the Model Based Software 

Resolver Initialization - Code Generation and Optimization in the Model Based Software 

The other alternative, if your calibration is about the user interacting with the application to calibrate manually some parameters is to use the Freemaster, perform the tunning/calibration with the system running on the MCU and the save manually those parameter in the final application (hard-coding) 

So, it depends on your setup and type of application. Bottom line is even if the toolbox might not have support out of the box for all the functionalities that you might need, since it is based on Simulink you can easily extend its capabilities by deploying Matlab functions.

Hope it helps!

Let us know how you'll be tackling this challenge.

Thank you!


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