Customer is checking if we have any jump start Matlab code for this.
They are using S32K1x and MC33771B in their new setup.
They like to run adaptive battery modelling in this new board to improve accuracy of SoC by EKF prediction in real-time, thus checking for any example code.
Hello shivamshankarg@gmail.com, marcuslim,
I have updated the document on https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-345880 by adding the Simulink example for the demo. You find all the instructions there.
Hope this helps,
Hello marcuslim,
Nice to hear that our customer has an interest in implementing Battery Management System using our Model Based Design Toolbox for S32K in Matlab/Simulink!
Yes, we do have a starting point for this kind of application. This article How to use your own C code in our Toolbox (Battery Management System example) presents a way of achieving converted values from MC33772B Battery controller on S32K144, in Simulink by using custom code.
Even if the article shows the steps for the MC33772B and our customer is interested in MC33771B, NXP provides the Embedded SW: MC33771/MC33772 SW Driver | NXP driver, which also covers the part that our customer needs. The steps in achieving data from BMS chip, following the article, are almost identical.
Hope this helps,
Hello Marius,
can we get the sample c code written S32 Design Studio for Battery Management Systems, it would help alot as i am also going to work on battery managament system using S32K146 MCU and other peripherals i just want a demo code, so i can learn some logic. mariuslucianandrei
Hello shivamshankarg@gmail.com,
You can download the driver together with the S32DS example from here Embedded SW: MC33771/MC33772 SW Driver | NXP
Hope this helps,