I am currently working on the S32k358 BMU, with MC33772C and MC33774A. We were currently configuring the CAN bus for BJB, which is the one connected to the TJA1057 as the CAN trans-reciever. However, after i finished configuration, the MBDT reported "code generation information file does not exist." I coundn't find where in the configuration i am missing.
Besides, in the RxFiFo section for the BJB_CAN, for scheme_type configured as "Mask_Filter_scheme", it reports an error if there are no HWFilter configured. The problem is, it has almost the same configuration as the VCU_CAN except for the CAN_HW channel is different, then, What makes BJB_CAN different from the VCU_CAN?
The attached photo are my configurations in S32CT. It will be really helpful if we can know what is missing, thanks!