_lwevent_set hangs

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_lwevent_set hangs

Contributor I

Hello everyone


I have a problem in one of my applications. I have a timer interrupt which should trigger every ms an event. The problem is that after some time (20 min - 2h), the _lwevent_set functions hangs up.

      while (q_ptr != (QUEUE_ELEMENT_STRUCT_PTR)         ((pointer)&event_ptr->WAITING_TASKS))      {         td_ptr = (pointer)q_ptr;         _BACKUP_POINTER(td_ptr, TD_STRUCT, AUX_QUEUE);         next_q_ptr = q_ptr->NEXT;         if (((td_ptr->FLAGS & TASK_LWEVENT_ALL_BITS_WANTED) &&             ((td_ptr->LWEVENT_BITS & set_bits) == td_ptr->LWEVENT_BITS)) ||            ((!(td_ptr->FLAGS & TASK_LWEVENT_ALL_BITS_WANTED)) &&             (td_ptr->LWEVENT_BITS & set_bits)))         {  /* Start CR 406 */#if 0            _QUEUE_DEQUEUE(&event_ptr->WAITING_TASKS, q_ptr);#endif            _QUEUE_REMOVE(&event_ptr->WAITING_TASKS, q_ptr);/* End CR 406 */            _TIME_DEQUEUE(td_ptr, kernel_data);            td_ptr->INFO = 0;            _TASK_READY(td_ptr, kernel_data);            /* store information about which bits caused task to be unblocked */            td_ptr->LWEVENT_BITS &= set_bits;            set_bits &= ~(event_ptr->AUTO & td_ptr->LWEVENT_BITS);                     } /* Endif */         q_ptr = next_q_ptr;      } /*

next_q_ptr is equal to q_ptr, so the while loop becomes an endless loop. I don't know why this can happen.


Did someone else already have a similar problem? The interrupt is installed by calling _int_install_isr().


The platform is a Kinetis PK60DN512VLL10 with MQX V3.8 compiled on Codwarrior 10.2.


Best regards


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4 Replies

Senior Contributor III

Hi eichest,


find _int_install_kernel_isr in MQX reference manual. It might be a solution for your problem. You are using timer to trigger an even every ms, which could raise some latency problems.


This is copied from User Guide: Note that _int_install_kernel_isr() call is only enabled if the vector table is located in RAM memory (see MQX_ROM_VECTORS configuration option in section 3.14, “Configuring MQX at Compile Time”).




0 Kudos

Contributor III

  I have the same problem with a 82259-V2 and MQX 3.6.   Can you tell me what you think the problem is?  What leads you to believe this is an interrupt latency problem?  Shouldn't I be able to call as often and as fast as I want to start a thread running that has been blocked pending on an event?  The processing time for the lwevent_set is on the order of 8 uS and I am setting calling this function in a serial interrupt service routine, the entire receive interrupt time is less than 15uS.  Note that I had done a similar thing on another project that used the SPI at a much higher baud rate.  The transmit routine is in the interrupt service for less than 5 uS.  These times are my application times and does not include the MQX overhead.  What did Stefan find as to the solution to his problem?


Will Hookway

0 Kudos

Contributor III

Answer to my problem.  Since I had ported a large number of my base file from another application, I had provided alternate functions for interrupt enable and disable for project builds that did not include MQX.  These files were still in the build so the  function calls that enables / disables interrutps in the lwevent_set was not doing anything.  Didn't discover this until I actually stepped into the disable call.  Anyhow this was the source of my problem, not an interrupt latency problem.  This may help others if they stumble onto this unusual scenario.



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Contributor I

Hi Kojto


Thanks for your answer, it seems you are right and I have/had a problem with the interrupt latency. I hope I could solve the problem by changing the priorities (a test is running).


But I'm still a little confused how it can happen that _lwevent_set hangs. I have no explaination for that, do you know what could be the problem there? Because I'm a little afraid that the problem could occur again after 1-2d.


Best regards,


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