I'd like to use the "_int_install_kernel_isr" to generate an interrupt every 20ms I sync outputs.I have tried other types of interrupts, but I generate the "Unhandled Interrupt". This seems to me that it works. But I must interrupt at the time, and does not allow the firmware to runproperly.
How can I do?
Hi guys,
I am trying to use kernel install for the first time and I was wondering if you can point me to a sample code that would save and retieve the associated stack that fits the MQX environment. Do I need to use _bsp_int_init(..) as before? I am using MQX 3.8 on MPC5566 demo board.
I've no experience with Power architecture, but it should be probably the same as coldFire.
So, if you need to use "_int_install_kernel_isr" to install your own isr, you also need to compile your BSP & PSP with :