Slow TAD Debugging when using external DDR RAM on TWR-K70 (MQX 4.0.1, CW10.4)

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Slow TAD Debugging when using external DDR RAM on TWR-K70 (MQX 4.0.1, CW10.4)

Contributor IV

Although TAD debugging works in general while using external DDR RAM, it is painfully slow. On hitting a breakpoint it takes very long until the TAD data is shown, even if I have only one TAD view enabled. Also the whole CodeWarrior IDE often freezes for minutes until it can be accessed again. This makes debugging with OS awareness impossible.

Can someone confirm these issues? Is there a way to improve the debugging experience with DDR RAM?

By the way: I'm using the onboard programmer/debugger of the TWR-K70.

Thank you!

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