RedPine: TWR-WIFI-RS2101: Tower System 802.11n Wi-Fi Module

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RedPine: TWR-WIFI-RS2101: Tower System 802.11n Wi-Fi Module

Contributor III

You can get the latest MQX Patch for Wi-Fi Module here.

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14 返答(返信)

NXP Employee
NXP Employee


I'd like the latest MQX patch for TWR-WIFI-RS2101. However the TWR-WIFI-RS2101 site doesn't have a download link of the MQX patch.

Where can I get this?

Best Regards,


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Contributor I

Hi all,


Has anyone run the RS2101 module over MXQ 3.8 with CW10.2?

As far as I know there is no manuals and even patches for this setup.


The FSLMQXOS_3_7_REDPINE_PATCH seems doesn't work at all.

I can't even install it.



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Contributor I

Hi Roman,


RS2101 runs on MXQ3.7 at the present. it is in Redpine's roadmap to support on MXQ3.8 in the near future.

Also the updated patch for RS2101 can be downloaded.


thank you.



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Contributor IV

Hi Roman,


I have got success in running RS2101 demo for MQX 3.7 and FSLMQX_3_7_REDPINE_PATCH. I had tried the patch available on but it doesnot work. I then contacted freescale guys regarding this. They gave me the patch by ftp connection. That also doesnot install on windows 7 but on windows xp( under compatiblity mode of windows7). 





p.s. The file given by redpine guys is .msi not .exe. 

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Contributor I

Hello, I am currently testing Freescale WiFi Tower cards with Kinetis K60 MCU. After some troubles I successfully tested Atheros card with throughput demo. I would like to compare it with RedPine module, but RedPine enablement patch is only for MQX 3.6 and with lightweight webserver demo for Cold Fire Tower kit.


If I understand it right, I should make change in bsp library for TWRK60. I would like to get any hint how to replace Atheros driver with RedPine driver in MQX 3.6/3.7? I am not sure how to do it, because the RS2101 folder structure looks very different from Atheros.

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Contributor II

I am using a K60 tower board too but I am trying to have it work with a RedPine WiFi module (RS2101).  I am using IAR compiler V6.30.6, MQX 3.7 and Repine Patch V3.7.  So far, it has not been working.  


I have seen some communication exchanges between the microcontroller and the RedPine module, but the main task eventually stops running waiting for some event to raise (RSI_MAC_RESOLVE_EVENT).


Did any body could get the K60 to work with a RedPine module ?

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Contributor II

I finally was able to have my K60 tower running the wifi demo with the RS2101 (RedPine wifi module). I am not sure how I got there, but I had to force firmware update by setting the "BSPCFG_ENABLE_RSI_IMAGE_UPGRADE" flag to 1 in the psp and run it once that way. Once the RS2101 was updated, I could rebuild the psp with the flag back to 0 and have it working that way.


Thanks to my Future Electronics support that literally put him self in my shoes to find the trick.

0 件の賞賛

Contributor I

Ok, one more magic step. In mqx\source\psp\cortex\psp_supp.h add #include <intrinsics.h> after line with #elif defined(__ICCARM__) .

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Contributor I

Mr Honey,

I too had a go at getting the Atheros WiFi Demo going on a K60 with IAR 6.21 & MQX3.7 but without success. Unfortunately it was too time consuming so I had to drop it to get on with other work. Would you care to share the changes required to get it working? I suspect that there are others who would benefit as well.  

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Contributor I

Ok, last thing is changing the linker configuration file in Project options to this one I provided. Also set your debugger options to correct interface (PEmicro for Tower OSJTAG), check flash load and MXQ plugin in debugger settings tabs.


I am also not very happy about RedPine application patch. I it suited for MQX 3.6 so there is also problems with preprocessor paths too, lot of changes need to be done for integration, some of them are not presented on web and then I still haven't been able to run it by now.

0 件の賞賛

Contributor I

Sorry for late reply, I haven't been noticed about new post in thread.


I applicated Atheros MQX 3.7 enablement patch (it was extracted to C: Program Files, so I copied files to MQX folder, overwriting enet_wifi.h).


Then I opened IAR workspace from MXQ folder-config-twrk60n512_atheros_wifi and rebuilded libraries (no special changes, just be shure to have user_config.h with define bspcfg_enable_atheros_wifi 1 and BSPCFG...SPI2, it should set fine by default).

You must add bsp and psp projects to batch build (bsp firs, psp second to build) in order to rebuild whole libraries in one step. BSP projects has messed up preprocessor paths, so you have to get it right in Project options-C++ Compiler-Preprocessor. Try to build it and just find missing .h files and add their paths. Last catch is in ath_spi_k60_hw.c, comment "#include cw_comp.h". Finally you should be able to build libraries via batch build.


Now you can try to run throughput_demo or web_hvac_wifi demo. You just have to add missing .h files to correct paths of preprocessor or correct preprocessor paths just like with bsp in project options-C++ compiler (add all folders with missing .h files which causing errors). I think this is a problem of old 3.6 paths in combination of uncomplete post buld script in mqx/bulid/bat directory.


It is a long way to go, so It is not really easy to get it work. I'am doing it again and it is still not complete, stay tuned for tomorrow.



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Contributor II



I also try to make the WIFI Atheros module work with IAR, I have seen you post but I have a question


Where did you get the IAR workspace, in MQX3.7 patch there is no IAR workspace?

I could not even find the bsp and psp project in the MQX 3.7  patch.


In MQX3.6, I can find the workspace and the projects but files are missing.


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Contributor IV

I got it working for redpine module and its patch( not atheros). After installing the redpine patch for mqx 3.7 we get a new project as light_webserver_wifi under /demo directory. BTW for Atheros patch did u follow this document I think the installation has two steps:

1. Dowload and extract the file to desired folder.

2. Run setup.exe file which is inside the extracted folder TWR-WIFI-AR100_MQX3.7PATCH


Kind regards,


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Contributor II

I tried to make Atheros run with MQX 3.6 and MQX  3.7.

I got the latest patch provided on freescale website and I followed the lab guide.


With MQX 3.6, I have the workspace and project for IAR but I am missing files.

With MQX 3.7 there is no workspace / project.

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