Creating a new MQX project using GCC C++

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Creating a new MQX project using GCC C++

Creating a new MQX project using GCC C++

The attached document explains how to create a C++ project using CW10.6 with GCC compiler, MQX 4.1.



标记 (3)

Carlos, do you have any examples for MQX using C++ under KDS 3.0 / KSDK 1.2, using Processor Expert?

Hi Dave,

I don't have such example, there are many variables in this case. Do you have an specific question about it?



I have an idea of how I need to get everything working, but I have a MK64FN1M0VLL12 board with ethernet, and would like to use Processor Expert in KDS3/KSDK1.2 to create my tasks.  I'll be using the OS_Task component, but code generation creates C files, not CPP.  I don't think it's *that* big of an issue, as long as I convert everything over and then disable code generation for MQX.  So my plan was to create some extra tasks ahead of time, even if I don't use them.  Then when it's time to release the code, I can just delete the unused tasks.  Seems like it's easier to create more tasks up front and then disable the code generation, and delete unused code later.  Would you agree with that?

In such a case, would you be able to make a "walkthrough" document that takes a processor and the latest toolchain and show what needs to be done to get MQX running in a C++ project?  I plan to tackle this this week, so perhaps if you can't make a doc, I'll just go for it and will post questions here if I run into problems.

Hi Dave,

I find difficult to have this guide soon. As you have noticed Processor Expert does not manages C++, but the work around you described looks good on the side of the tasks. But regarding the whole project you will need to change many settings and at this moment I am not sure if these settings may cause conflict with PEx.



Okay, would you mind looking over my project after I do an initial test?  I'll create a KSDK/PEx/MQX project, convert to C++, and then will see if I can do something simple like blinking an LED on my FRDM-K64F.  If that doesn't work, I'd like to be able to submit it to someone to review.  Thanks!

For this kind of matters I strongly recommend to submit a Service Request at our web page

I am part of the support team and I or any of my colleagues can take a look to it in our side.


Thanks Carlos.  I didn't realize I could use the Service Request feature for anything other than actual bugs that could be 100% reproducible or were clearly a problem with the KSDK.

The good news is that I have a procedure for running C++ code with MQX and PEx that seems to work and is minimally inconvenient.  I'm going to test some C++ wrapper classes for the FSL device drivers and we'll see how it goes this week.  Thanks!

Hi Dave,

I am trying to configure KSDK/PEx project to convert in C++. Can you send a procedure/steps for running C++ code. I am using MK64FN controller.

I have gone through below link but could not configure for C++. 

Processor Expert, gcc C++ and Kinetis-L with MQXLite | MCU on Eclipse  

C++ with Kinetis Design Studio | MCU on Eclipse 

Also can you send a sample project with PEx which runs C++ code.




‎07-01-2014 08:02 AM