Need help on spi loppback test for MPC5645S device

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Need help on spi loppback test for MPC5645S device

Contributor III

I want to test the DSPI for MPC5645S device. Need to know how to perform spi loopback test. Hardware and software help required.

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5 Replies

Contributor III

I have tried but didn't get any ouput. Can you please look at my code and let me know what I did wrong.

Even I tried connecting MISO and MOSI of DSPI_1 but I can't see output on logic analyzer.

/* Copyright FreeScale Semiconductor, Inc. 2007, 2009 All rights reserved. */

#include "MPC5645S.h" /* Use proper include file */

  vuint32_t i = 0;                      /* Dummy idle counter */

  uint16_t RecDataMaster = 0;           /* Data recieved on master SPI */

  uint16_t RecDataSlave  = 0;           /* Data received on slave SPI */

static void initModesAndClks(void) {

  ME.MER.R = 0x0000001D;          /* Enable DRUN, RUN0, SAFE, RESET modes */

                                  /* Initialize PLL before turning it on: */

  CGM.FMPLL[0].CR.R = 0x02400100; /* 8 MHz xtal: Set PLL0 to 64 MHz */  

  ME.RUN[0].R = 0x001F0074;       /* RUN0 cfg: 16MHzIRCON,OSC0ON,PLL0ON,syclk=PLL */

  ME.RUNPC[1].R = 0x00000010;  /* Peri. Cfg. 1 settings: only run in RUN0 mode */

  ME.PCTL[5].R = 0x01;            /* MPC56xxB/P/S DSPI1:  select ME.RUNPC[0] */

  ME.PCTL[68].R = 0x0000;         /* MPC56xxB/S SIUL:  select ME.RUNPC[0] */

                                  /* Mode Transition to enter RUN0 mode: */

  ME.MCTL.R = 0x40005AF0;         /* Enter RUN0 Mode & Key */

  ME.MCTL.R = 0x4000A50F;         /* Enter RUN0 Mode & Inverted Key */ 

  while (ME.GS.B.S_MTRANS) {}     /* Wait for mode transition to complete */   

                                  /* Note: could wait here using timer and/or I_TC IRQ */

  while(ME.GS.B.S_CURRENTMODE != 4) {} /* Verify RUN0 is the current mode */


static void initPeriClkGen(void) {

  CGM.SC_DC[1].R = 0x80;   /* MPC56xxB/S: Enable peri set 2 sysclk divided by 1 */


static void disableWatchdog(void) {

  SWT.SR.R = 0x0000c520;     /* Write keys to clear soft lock bit */

  SWT.SR.R = 0x0000d928;

  SWT.CR.R = 0x8000010A;     /* Clear watchdog enable (WEN) */


static void initDSPI_1(void) {

  DSPI_1.MCR.R = 0x80010001;     /* Configure DSPI_1 as Master */

  DSPI_1.CTAR[0].R = 0x780A7727; /* Configure CTAR0  */

// DSPI_1.RSER.R = 0x00020000; //Interrupt enabled 0x80020000

  DSPI_1.MCR.B.HALT = 0x0;     /* Exit HALT mode: go from STOPPED to RUNNING state*/

  SIU.PCR[20].R = 0x0604;        /* MPC56xxS: Config pad as DSPI_1 SCK output */

  SIU.PCR[22].R = 0x0503;        /* MPC56xxS: Config pad as DSPI_1 SIN input */

  SIU.PCR[21].R = 0x0604;        /* MPC56xxS: Config pad as DSPI_1 SOUT output*/

  SIU.PCR[43].R = 0x0E04;        /* MPC56xxS: Config pad as DSPI_1 PCS0/SS output */

  //SIU.PSMI[15].R = 0x00;         /* MPC56xxS: Connect Pad PCR 43 to DSPI_1 SS input */

  //DSPI_1.TCR.R = 0x00000000;


static void ReadDataDSPI_1(void) {

  while (DSPI_1.SR.B.RFDF != 1){}  /* Wait for Receive FIFO Drain Flag = 1 */

  RecDataSlave = (unsigned short)DSPI_1.POPR.R;    /* Read data received by slave SPI */

  DSPI_1.SR.R = 0x0020000;        /* Clear TCF, RDRF flags by writing 1 to them */


static void ReadDataDSPI_0(void) {

  while (DSPI_0.SR.B.RFDF != 1){}  /* Wait for Receive FIFO Drain Flag = 1 */

  RecDataMaster = (unsigned short)DSPI_0.POPR.R;   /* Read data received by master SPI */

  DSPI_0.SR.R = 0x80020000;        /* Clear TCF, RDRF, EOQ flags by writing 1 */


int main(void) {

  initModesAndClks();          /* Initialize mode entries */

  initPeriClkGen();            /* Initialize peripheral clock generation for DSPIs */

  disableWatchdog();           /* Disable watchdog */

  initDSPI_1();                /* Initialize DSPI_1 as Slave SPI and init CTAR0 */

  DSPI_1.PUSHR.R = 0x08015678; /* Initialize slave DSPI_1's response to master */

  ReadDataDSPI_1();            /* Read data on slave DSPI */

  while (1) {i++; }            /* Wait forever */


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

I would recommend to pay attention to AN2865, section 24:

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Contributor III

I cannot connect DSPI_0 on reference MPC5645S board, it has already been used by some other function and pins are not free to connect with DSPI_1 . Can I connect MOSI of DSPI_1 with MISO of DSPI_1 for loopback.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Yes, you can.

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Contributor III

No reply please help to get it resolved

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